25th Anniversary Tournament to feature HDR

French cup qualifier


Thanks for all the updates n info Papasi!

French cup was a regional qualifier for masters series europe, here is the actual qualifier bracket, same result, well done to Aero!


The UK event (i47)states there will be a few special guests (last minute japanese for last qualifier remaining?) 41i45 is an alpha3 player afaik. Likely to see ST regulars turn up for HDR (orf,chaosflare,smqclassic etc).

That’s weird. So the winners of the paris qual doesn’t get a spot at SF grand final but a chance to qualify in masters series europe?
So how many spots will the masters series europe provide? We only have 6 players qualified in grand final so far and it’s very close to dec 9th.

Afro Legends - TX (deejay, boxer)
Damdai - NY (o hawk, o ryu, o ken)
Laugh - Asia (dictator, o sagat, n ken)
Tokido - Brazil (claw)
John Choi - LA#1 (ryu, o sagat)
shotosallday - LA#2 (o ryu, ryu, gief)

I guess the original PDF file from capcom is inaccurate. TBH they are quite disorganized for this series of events.

Aero Rockman (Master Series Europe) is the seventh qualifier.

The UK qualifier is the one coming up for the last spot. According to some of the French players on GGPO, they aren’t allowed to enter the UK qualifier for some reason but they had a qualifier spot for Master Series Europe. Strange.

Finalists are:

Afro Legends - TX (deejay, boxer)
Damdai - NY (o hawk, o ryu, o ken)
Laugh - Asia (dictator, o sagat, n ken)
Tokido - Brazil (claw)
John Choi - LA#1 (ryu, o sagat)
shotosallday - LA#2 (o ryu, ryu, gief)
Kenpachi - Euro (n ryu, o sagat)
Fuzzy - UK (n cammy, n ryu)

Aero rockman cant make it due to work. Good luck to all!

here is the bracket: http://challonge.com/sf25_sfii

I don’t understand why there is a Japan listed. Is this supposed to be one of the LA quals, or is the bracket fake?

If this is the real bracket, I think it’s just an error and Japan should be the other LA qualifier.

Having the four US qualifiers face each other in Round 1 doesn’t seem right though. Hopefully, it will get tweaked before it takes place.


looking at that bracket we could very well see Damdai vs Afro GF!

Laugh and Tokido do show up in the US regularly, and double elimination helps a lot with a small bracket, so it’s not that bad.
(Heck, they’re running 6 rounds, 1 more and they could just round robin it and go with points… probably not as dramatic though.)

I’m more excited to see shotosallday vs damdai. That’s going to be super hype. Do yourself a favor and do not miss that match.

This is the bracket that was posted on eventhubs:


So…which is the real one?

I read on Capcom Unity (?) that the brackets floating around earlier were not finalized so this could very well be the correct bracket.

Edit: That bracket is legit.


Hehe, the white t-shirt is back, Damdai!

Did they pull shotosallday’s picture from his driver’s license?!

I’m gong to use that on his STR profile…


That bracket makes more sense by spreading out all the US players. But The only foreign player that looks like he’s going to put up a fight is tokido. No disrespect to the other countries, but the 4 players representing US are among the cream of the crop, and 1 of them is literally a legend in the SF2 world.

Looking at this bracket, my best guess is that an American player will take first. Afro and Damdai have both beaten tokido before. Damdai beat tokido 6-0 I think in one of the east coast majors. So I think Tokido’s tournament life will end once he reaches one of these guys. Also he plays shotos first and that guy plays the claw match up very well too.

Prior to NEC, I would have said that Afro would take Damdai. But Damdai pulled out an amazing looking fei out of nowhere. Not many players here get practice against good feis, so Afro vs Damdai match up is a complete mystery now.

John Choi is always a threat in any situation.

Shotosallday on a good day could take out everyone on the list, but he only has 2 tournaments of experience under his belt so that could be a factor. Shotos is a wildcard.

NOTE: All my EVO predictions were wrong, so I might have jinxed all the US players.

Choi is going to take it. He seemed to be back on shape on the qualifier.

Choi performed very well at the qualifier, but he’s been out of practice, and that may end up hurting him against this level of competition.

Shotosallday is a naturally talented player, but he has limited tournament experience under his belt, but this would be a great place to prove his worth.

Damdai is the most well-travelled ST player in the States and has a wealth of knowledge to back him up.

Afro’s been practicing pretty consistently this past year, and is always a threat in any tournament.

I’ll have to tip the odds in favor of Damdai and Afro in GF. Of course, I’m favoring Afro to win, but Damdai seems to have put some work into the game lately, and it’ll be interesting to see what he’ll bring to the table. Either way, it’s going to be one exciting tournament.

Damdai took 7 straight games from Tokido at Seasons Beatings 2011 grand finals. Damdai was in losers and came back to win the tourney.

Sad that Choi couldn’t take it, even though he gave Afro a run for his money. Congrats to Damdai for winning this very convincingly.