24: Live Another Day - The BAUER is back May 5!

i have only 7 hrs left on season 4 but IMO season 3 rocked the shit

Ignoring the cougar™ and Phoenix Teleport Michelle™, S2 will always be the best for me. I’m a bit biased because I started with that season when it first aired, then when back to S1 to catch up, then continued as normal. There was just way too many “…I can’t believe they showed that on network TV” moments that year.

S2 > S5 > S7 > S3 > S4 > S1 > S8 > S6

I actually liked the final season more than my ranking indicates, especially seeing Jack turn heel, but some things irritated me like the mole, that pervert CTU guy who was just there, and President Taylor’s dumbass decisions (on the beget of that troll bastard Logan) and the fact Freddie Prinze Jr. could potentially succeed Jack… but like all good shows the worst season is still better than anything else on TV.

Except S6. After the first 4 episodes it went straight to hell :mad:




The main problem I have with 24 is most seasons are split in two, because they were scared of Fox canceling the show mid-season. 4 and 5 confidently had one main plot and main villains for the whole season. The other seasons were kind of all over the place. The 2nd half of season 3 is godtier personally, but 4, 5 and to a lesser degree 1 and 7, hold up better for repeat watching.

I’m hyped. The simplicity of the trailer leaves a lot to the imagination. Bauer in a shootout? Another terror attack? Tony and Bauer just did the Fusion Dance?

So many questions…

thats true, the first half of season 3 with the brothers in mexico felt hella pointless at the end of the day



does it mean mgs5 is done and complete by now

insert inception

My testosterone is not ready…and my Chloe is back!

The Classic Bauer Yell at the end, oh yes!

bleep KA-CHUNG bleep KA-CHUNG bleep KA-CHUNG

I meant all of it. GW and PP.

jizzed in my pants

Chloe Sullivan is the girl with the dragon tattoo and a highly powered laptop

can someone explain to me without spoilers why they like chloe? Im on season 4 and I really cant stand her. her little face tweaks and huffing and puffing and attitude, fuck that bitch. maybe its because I work with someone similar to her but oh my FUCKING god will someone slap the shit out of this little bitch already?! I already saw the teaser for the new miniseries so sadly I know she doesnt die and that fucking pisses me off. she might be more annoying than Kim Teri and Sherry combined.

Bauer world tour coming at you

Haha, everybody hated Chloe at first, she’s just very socially awkward. But Jack brings her out of her shell, and she becomes very central to keeping Jack alive, you’ll grow to love her and the pitbull frown.

@NickRocks where are you in S4? Because I also hated Chloe until… THAT MOMENT™ (and it’s not the last time she’ll do something like that)

Chloe is awesome. She excels at keeping it real.

Judy Davis steps down due to the sheer horror of having people witness her face in HD

Also, I just found out dat nigga™ Chris Paltrow from The Wire (Gbenga Akinnagbe) will be a regular in this. Curtis Manning 2.0?! (his fate still gets me/pisses me off)

You know, I saw episode 1 of season 1 with http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xander Berkeley from the Nikita TV show. They said that George Mason (Xander Berkely ) is from Division. Coincidence? I think not…