Tournament will be held at
Game Pros
1416 Mitchell Rd #b
Modesto, California 95351
on June 29-30 at 5pm
Entry Fee is $8.
For more information
or to sign up call
2092046632 or
text 5102694993
Tournament will be held at
Game Pros
1416 Mitchell Rd #b
Modesto, California 95351
on June 29-30 at 5pm
Entry Fee is $8.
For more information
or to sign up call
2092046632 or
text 5102694993
Sign me up as “Infinite”
I think it would be a lot easier to provide the most information possible on here, and if people have further questions then they could contact you. There’s a post with the standard format and information you should have with organizing a tournament but I’m too lazy to look for it. How much is going to the pot, and how much is going to the venue? And whats the pot split? Is there gonna be crab?
Nobody would think of putting a tournament together without crab!