Yes, but I’m more mad at the Zero/Dante duo itself. I saw Zero/Dante/Strider a lot of times, played by Slayton, and it’s pretty cheap too. The hardest thing BTW is getting this magical hit against a GOOD Zero. Good Zeros don’t do random shit, they know what they are doing, specially if they have Jam Session to back him up.
2015 UMVC3 SRK Tier/Theory Discussion. 7/10 First Page Tumblr: Power of snapback, Future power teams
Except Vergil with Dante assist is infinitely better than Dante with Strider. Oh wait you guys still actually think Dante is strong as anything other than an assist.
If we’re playing that game, Vergil will never have Dante as an assist because if he’s second he’ll always die on incoming and if Dante is second every input but Jam Session will stop working because he’s assist tier.
Dante worst in the game
Ghost Rider/Turnabout Phoenix Wright both have good normal, it’s just they don’t have fast space covering normal. Vergil’s normals in a nutshell are like speeding up Sentinel’s foot normal. The type of normal you can literally mash on wakeup/pressure just because they are so fast cover so much space.
Andre gets away with wake up buttons so much because Vergil has fast buttons
Viper has every tool in the game now?
All I know is Richard’s ZeroDanteStrider is better than your random ZMC team.
Especially considering that Richard has a good dante unlike 90% of ZMC who make Dante worst than he actually is.
I wonder do people see her losses as a limitation of the character or a failure of the player to use the tools correctly?
Chrisis has reiterated that Viper has every tool in the game since day 1.
The latter because no one player has yet to combine her strengths and approaches. They all tend to stick to one primary playstyle.
There’s no guarantee you’re going to have anchor Vergil or anchor anyone anymore really. It’s just way better to not have an anchor that has zero air movement as your anchor so there’s at least a chance to escape basic welcome mix ups.
The whole point behind Strange is that he’s purposely balanced. In this game you don’t want to be purposely balanced and that’s what they did with Dr.Strange. They were afraid his tools when optimized would make it extremely difficult for a lot of the cast to land a hit on him so they gave him all of these gaps in his special moves and normals. That way if someone like a Wolverine does get in they can stay in and not get “OOOOOOHH NOOO CHIPPED OUT”. They wanted to make zoning strong but not too strong so they made sure Dr.Strange just had the potential to do big damage if he hit someone, but enough gaps so that nobody never gets in. He has all of these picky issues like Mystic Sword L not being able to hit really profile crouch normals, slides being able to slide under M sword and H sword not even going full screen. Basically until you get graces out the only cheap move he has is agomotto and that’s only really designed to stop rushdown (ala hidden missiles) or create rushdown. It doesn’t help you beat projectile wars that much.
Which means you’re forced to work for the character to keep people from getting in. He’s really not that good of a character mainly because he’s only good situationally. Which means you need like an agomotto out, graces and some daggers + assist before he’s like nearly as good as a traditional top tier is just by being on the screen. It’s basically like what would happen if Morrigan was lower tier on point unless she was in AV which would then make her a lot more balanced vs. the other cast instead of being really good without AV and then destructive with it.
It’s also not good to be a character that can’t cross people up in the corner in a game where characters like Hawkeye can jump back and outzone you all day if they find a corner.
That’s why people are just playing him as anchor because that way he just turns your team into a 10 moar years/MVC2 style team where a really good assist is backing up 2 people. The second person gets stronger supers to beat lame out if they land safely also.
I’d still like to mess with him in the second spot and see what he can do with an assist though. His super options are also really good for a point character like Viper who doesn’t really need to DHC and can just DHC into 7 rings in order to beat Doom/Ammy THC’s and such. Lack of incoming options other than mash super, flight or teleport is gonna make that tough obviously.
Somebodies gotta be the anchor on any team you put together. People are always trying to make a cause for a character to not be the dumpy durp/assist chracter…but someone’s gotta be there. Someone’s gotta be your down in the dumps character.
Zero/Dante was endgame ever since Vanilla anyway, and it’s now only slightly less stupid thanks to Dante being nerfed… but still incredibly stupid.
Which is funny because Dante only really got nerfed enough to where you have to actually think when you’re using him now. Big issue there.
The dreaded word that strikes fear into the hearts of Marvel 3 scrubs everywhere: EFFORT.
You can’t really believe this.
the true issue is that he doesnt have shield charge and baby combos so i can’t play him and use the best taskmaster team
Dante’s still better than Doom.
Not even close.
Oh right my bad, I forgot Doom was top 3.
What is Doom actually better than Dante at that relates to getting shot to shit with projectiles? Because unless you can get past that without a THC you’re already worse than Dante.