Tac to Skrull -> Fully Charge Stone Dunk (Big Fist Air Thingy) -> Ground bounce -> Inferno (DO NOT FULLY MASH! All 98 hits of Inferno cause a Hard Knockdown only the 99th hit causes a flip-out) -> Luminous Body -> Charge Unblockable -> Return to Character Select and choose Firebrand/Doom/Dormammu.
GimR made an impressive proof-of-concept using Skrull/FB and the new (banned) glitch, confirming my suspicions that we’d get something broken out of it.
I think Mystic Ray deserves consideration for being a top or middle Firebrand assist. It’s great at giving him command of the screen, and it also destroys Vajra, which is a common tool against Firebrand.
The Firebrand/Shuma-Gorath THC deals solid damage and lets Firebrand connect another Dark Fire, as with Okami Shuffle.
I have been considering Shuma lately and I haven’t put him up yet because I want to understand him before I write about him. Unless someone wants to do it for me
Alright so I’m going to edit a few of the ones I’ve already done to try and talk more about synergy between characters that help Firebrand like you guys were asking. I would appreciate some support from people who could write up some stuff about Shuma, Frank, and Storm.
Fuck Adobe Premiere, can’t even import a file without de-sync the audio.
Anyway I think IM has potential to be as good of a friend to Firebrand as Doom. He can set-up unblockable snap loop and he has one of the best team super in the game with the forward 1 frame Proton Cannon. He also does more damage in these combo than tag into Doom because of the SB and RB loop, too bad his point ability is so awful. At least Doom has easy conversions, foot dive and team super bullshit.
The first combo is universal on everyone, it should work on every character. But you will have to do kidnap early in a combo for it to work because of hit-stun decay.
The second combo only works on small characters. Thats not too bad since most good characters are pixies anyway. And the third one is the same combo but with assist extension. The Firebrand assist extension work even very late into the combo since that thing does soft knock down. The key to doing more damage with IM is try to loop SB and RB as much as possible since his special moves doesn’t scale move late into a combo.
I couldn’t find something even in level 1 xfactor to help conversion in other areas or xfactor specific mid screen/corner to corner combo like the Doom xfactor kidnap into hard kick combo to help damage.
Dare I say it, but I almost think it’s better to just run Unibeam with Firebrand. Consensus seems to be that a strong horizontal assist is the best boon to his neutral game. And while the chance to 300% a team is really tempting, it 1) depends on your opponent’s lack of knowledge about taking the hit (and thus reducing meter build), and 2) it’s very hard to do with Repulsor Blast. I also wonder if Iron Man wouldn’t prefer Hell Spitfire as an assist to abuse something like this on point (though if the tag combos suffer it might not be worth it).
I think Strider would complete the FB/IM duo perfectly. He loves Unibeam, can use Hell Spitfire for potent mixups up close, and can also benefit from IM raw tags using Heavy Gram. Unibeam and Vajra give Firebrand a great deal of control over his opponents movement, and I’m pretty sure he and Iron Man can both convert it into a full combo. Pretty much any order this team runs in can be used to inflict great misery.
I dropped Firebrand for a while, mostly because Firebrand/Sent just isn’t worth it, but I have come back to him and switched out Sent for Mags. I have to say that Disruptor with Firebrand is surprisingly effective in both zoning and offense. Firebrand lacks quick horizontal pressure in his zoning, which disruptor helps with, and it gives Firebrand an assist he can use for quick mixups that doesn’t scale as much as my other assist, Jam Session. I also get the brain dead TAC Infinite and all the mixups that comes with having that behind Firebrand. Just my two cents.
Plasma Beam > Missiles for Firebrand. I’ve been running Missiles with him for a while, and while it is good, Plasma Beam is just everything Firebrand needs. His zoning does get better with missiles but it doesn’t get amazing. Just better.
Firebrand doesn’t have to worry about protecting Beam. On the other hand, he has to be very careful about calling Missiles. And Firebrand isn’t that great at protecting assists.
Unibeam is probably better in the sense that it keeps them standing, but Plasma Beam is faster(Barely) and comes out behind Firebrand. Also, Doom’s hard tag combos make it way more useful to run Doom.
Hey guys, just wondering is firebrand(demon missile charge) Akuma (tatsu) and spidey ( web ball) a good team? I only picked up firebrand 3 days ago and I don’t know much.
I really recommend picking Firebrand OR Spiderman. Both are point characters that demand a lot from their team. However, on that note, Doom helps both of them a lot.