2009 SRK GD Awards Results Thread

Since Missing Persons is Missing, I figured it would be easier to post all the results here:

Best Av Maker: Quiche
Best Contributor: Preppy, UltraDavid, Shaft Agent
Best New Member: Black Jesus
Best Non GD Thread: http://www.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=221406
Best Story: http://www.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=221513
Best Writer: http://www.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=221636
Dumbest Poster: Genshiro
Flamelord: Adam Warlock
Funniest Poster: Boel and Stuckey
Most Intelligent: Merdoc
Most Owned: Dr B

best new member :rofl:

give it up to srk to find a glitch in any system

congrats #srkgd wankfest

You jealous of dat wisedom?


Dude keep it on the DL. I don’t want Adam Warlock to flame me!


I’m sorry Negrotron. :shake:




Wait, how come I wasn’t nominated for anything?!?

thats about right

You should probably be in #salty.


I’m flabbergastered at the reaction to merdoc’s scoop. Does not the nut catch the squirrell?

im sure im in #scatporn
i was juss giving the pimp some reasoning