2 NYPD Officers Shot in BKLYN. Gunman Found Shot in Subway

So the Crime stats of Camden, east st Louis, etc are all wrong?

The cops turning their back against the mayor supports the idea that the police department and the union is out of control.

The cops don’t want to be held accountable for their actions and want to do whatever they want with the mayor’s blessing because they think they know best. They don’t. Fuck those guys. They really do need to clean house and just look for new cops.

@Zatalcon Still thinking that black people are out here committing crimes because they are black. The correlation that you see is black people committing crimes because a majority are poor. Since the Civil Rights Act has passed in 1968, blacks on average have made little to no economic progression. I’m pretty sure that if you went to a poor white neighborhood, that you would see very similar crime statistics.

And then we have people on the police force that think that poverty isn’t the thing causing criminal activity and that black people are getting into trouble just because they are black and unruly. Poor people are more likely to have fatherless households. Poor people are more likely to have dysfunctional households. Poor people are more likely to be involved in criminal activity. All of these white folks thinking that this is the war on black people when this is truly the war on poor people.

So people can sit back and laugh all they want. If they ever become economically disadvantaged for any reason, they will get their own taste of how it feels to be treated in like a the type of person you call a minority in America. I wish some of these guys talking all this junk were financially devastated so they too can talk about how the police doesn’t protect them, and how justice system does not even give them a chance to do the right thing.

Keep thinking you are unaffected until it is too late.

I guess the general consensus is that the US would be hell of a lot safer if they made it illegal for black people to own guns :trollface: less panicky police is a bonus for the wee poor innocent children.

It will be funny to see the mass exodus from the US when it loses economic power. There is really no point to this country if it’s not rich, and it certainly isn’t anymore.

Nope. EVERYBODY knows black criminals don’t legally own their guns.

I never once said that they are committing crimes due to their skin color, i don’t think anywhere in my posts has it suggested that it is an inherital problem if so, then you would see me talking about Black people in the UK, Africa, Brazil, etc… but no, i’m speaking with in the US. Black people having the most crime rates in the USA is a fact that isn’t drawn from ethnicity but actual data…

The problem isn’t just being poor (while it is the biggest one) but due to bullshit racial sensitivity as shown here. Police think that black people are unruly due to the domestic statistics. It is hard to not stereotype when everyday in the streets, 7/10 they have to arrest are black. I mean just walk down the streets in Brownsville or Detroit and I can assure you that you are more likely to get mugged by a black guy. Likewise, you can be threatened in any area including poor white areas however there are no poor white areas that have the amount of crime Camden, South Bronx, East St Louis, Chester, and Detroit.

Black people being economically disadvantage is somewhat their fault as well. The poor communities show that majority of their youths care nothing about education and just care about being in gangs… those same youths end up going to jail while their families will likely cry about racism.

You’re a fucking idiot and racist on top of that. Please read a goddamn book besides getting your facts from Fox News.

Edit: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=144264130&postcount=1

You are actually the fucking idiot. I don’t think anyone needs fox news to know how high the crime rates of Camden and the areas i’ve mentioned many times are. For you to make it look as if that isn’t a good represenation or a false statistic shows what an idiot you are. LOL at you flagging offtopic, looks like your sensitive ass doesn’t like what he is hearing. If you can’t pull off any reference showing that the crime rates of the areas i’ve posted are low and not one of the highest then you lose. You can only label me as a racist, an idiot, or someone who should of stayed lurking as a counter response and that is all you can do. The “racist” label is the point i’ve been drawing on btw… idiots like you flag the race card when people present actual data gathered. “Stop blaming the color”… no one is blaming the color, what is being shown though is that the majority of people of your ethnicity are making the stereotype reasonable and like i said, if you can’t show an area that tops the areas i’ve listed then you are just arguing based on feelings.

You haven’t posted shit tho. You keep making claims and not posting any facts. I actually posted facts in my last post which of course you ignored. Yea black people can do things better but don’t fucking act like there isn’t alot held against them that are against others. Bitches like you love to point out black crime but when white crime is just as bad if not worse that shit gets ignored why is that?

Looks like playing the race card activated Zatalcon’s trap card…

Uhhh…white people don’t kill each other and commit violent crime at the rates WE do, bro. This bullshit that went down at that shopping center a couple days before Christmas with some 200 black teens basically tearing the place up, shooting at people, beating white people up in stores and stealing their phones and shit and causing the mall to shut down…yeah, when’s the last time white people did THAT shit? I can’t recall, either. That’s probably why it doesn’t get pointed out. We’re “winning”.


Edit: I see your point.

Hmmm…seems like something to research. Little known fact, though: every race preys primarily on it’s own, so yeah, the majority of white murders WILL be perpetrated by other whites.

Of course thats a given but it just seems alot of people love to point out flaws in the black community but don’t want to point out their own.

Remember these kinds of cops are not just the exception:


Precious:…heh heh heh…nobody ever suspects the dog…
Seriously, though, that shit sounds like a more realistic version of an episode of Martha Speaks. Talking dog scares the shit outta people when she introduces herself…let her talk to an unsuspecting cop and the reaction would be similar.

How is stating Camden, East St Louis, etc being the top of the most dangerous cities in the USA for the longest time not fact? I think you are just in denial.

I’ve pointed out crimes of various different races, btw… There are countless rants from me against whites, chinese, arabs, etc and their violence and never once have i denied they existed. I’m just saying that in the United States, the most dangerous areas in the USA have been black populated areas and because of that they really should stop flinging the race card whenever they get issues with cops or whatever. I have not seen you post any article that shows areas that are nonblack dominated to be more dangerous than the areas i’ve posted, all you’ve done is shown that there have been negative reports from whites as if an argument of “white people don’t commit violence” was ever the point.

The best thing for us to do is stop playing the victim and educate the black youths to fix the shit that past generations have placed us in. No one hates blacks due to their skin anymore, and if their are it is a very low trailer park community… the majority just cant feel positive around a dominant number of black people due to domestic history.

Yes. The point was its ok that civilians die because some poor black people are criminals, as long as they are black of course.