2 Hard Plastic Dance Mats Local pick PS1 and Ps2 up 20 LOCAL BROOKLYN NY

Selling these hard plastic mats I bought a while ago for a pretty penny. If your interested selling both for 20 just come pick them up.

Hard Plastic? Pics?

it looks like one of these.

Theyre pretty hefty easily more than 20lbs each I dont want to goto storage please dont make me…

How heavy? How can I store these?

under the pic, I know your coming from CT your definately gonna need a car

I drive so thats not a problem. Right now, the problem is where I would store these when not in use.

Is it ok to store these one on top of the other? How thick are they? Trying to see if maybe they can go under my bed.

oh yah most definately. They can stacked on top of each other maybe 4 inches think.

$20 for both? When can they be picked up?