2 Coons attack baby

Now that you are in here thinking this is a racially charged thread title

Raccoons critically injure baby in her crib - U.S. news - Life - msnbc.com

Hide you kids, it dont matter if you hide yo kids dem raccoons gonna find em

also kinda old news, especially in the internet age

Raccoons are no joke. Those claws are vicious.

But every now and then they lend a helping hand.
http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lbbwr9m0Id1qcbo9lo1_400.jpg (FuriousOne found this pic)

Hide yo dogs too.


Jive Out!

They climbing in yo window http://www.gccihome.com/raccoons/raccoon3.jpg scratching yo babies up.


those crazy racoons! that’s insane.

but they are so gosh darn cute…



For real though, those little hands they have are creepy.

In the UK about a month ago two babies were attacked by a Fox in London (not the network the animal) - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/10251349

lol PuFF, that pic never fails to make me smile. They should hang that in hospitals

Fucking bandits :rofl:

thats why they wear masks

i still maintain they’re adorable as pets.

Man, racoons are vicious animals. I remember a few years back classmate of mine told me a story of how he saw the remains of a cat after it had gotten in a fight with a racoon. He said the cat was literally in pieces.

They are cute and all, but if they attack you it’s really gonna hurt.

I like that people enter a thread about raccoons mauling a baby and then proceed to post about how cute raccoons are.

Think about the kittens.

I’d hate to be racist but I was expecting black people.