2/23/08 Ashburn, VA C3 (DC/MD/VA)- February Fury

<3 bacon

whats good with rockband drums… i finally can expert the first two sets of difficulty… also do Maps without looking, and barely beat Enter Sandman (ending is hard)

and ive never play an instrument before, besides the skin flute.

I’m down with the good rockband

Yes, I did.

Oh and my Aoi is ever so slowly coming along. Still getting beat by scrub stuff online but I guess that’s part of learning how to play more effectively. Aoi just works for me though. She’s my kinda character. Fun mix ups and emphasizes defensive techniques (that I still have yet to fully utilize.) I’m still rushing people down though. Wanna get those down throws.

rckbnd!!! gdlk!!! finished like 5 songs on expert. only touched the game like 6 or 7 times. gdlk!!! i need to go over to free’s more often

lockin!!! rock band chicken match!!! whats good!!!

also super pretzels!!! get on it kid!!!

i dont mind housing players. are you coming down?

almost a week away you guys scared im comin back for the ST title down their :slight_smile:

what a coincidence!!

I too will be coming back for my ST title.

sweet i wanna see a few more vega’s out their noone last tourny played him really i need practice against him

Now that I made sure I’m off-schedule for this one, it’s time for the obligatory, “can a nigga get a ride?” post.

add my name to cvs i wanna get into that game now :slight_smile:

i’de say eric kim but he like making up random excuses.

Haha woooork on iiiiiiit

n ken = $100 for sho in xmen?

any more MM’s?
cvs1 = havoc$20?

justin ill MM u in a foot race to the burger joint
come on it will be fun loser buys lunch

yes, it might have to be on emu though cause Im not sure if Im bringing the supergun, not that I think you care what its on.

uhhh so whats the word on super pretzel

someone help out johnny ingram. im sure he can be picked up at vienna metro or any metro.

o yeah and also

rckbnd!!! gdlk!!!

I never know whether you’re saying “godlike” or “goodluck”.

Please stop typing like a retard.

<3 u pvp

LOL bring it on the supergun nken. I dont want no emulators :frowning:

my bad pat

Rick Bond!!! Good Luck!!!

AHA! Hes scared I knew it.

Aight justin supergun just for you