yeah we go 2 tv’s want can we get. hopefully super pretzels will be included in the deal.
See you guys at the next one. This is my comeback year.
Hey, if you guys already reserved a date for the April C3, what day is planned for that?
all the dates up til May are in my sig. they should be in havoc’s sig soon too…
eric you’ve come back more times than Jordan and Prince combined!
What needs to be done to get them out of my house?
lemme know what day cool with you, i can get em. and i still have no idea how to get to your place:sad:
ughh, how about we meet at the mall one day then we can drive to my house where you can shove these shits in your car.
anyone want to house me and noel for sat night?
Is it cool to come and watch?
I like it when you watch.
Vanessa or Sarah. I would assume Vanessa but Sarah’s are pretty close too. Every other girl in the game is azn so theirs are proportionally smaller.
spectating is fine, you’ll still have to pay for the $8 venue fee but otherwise its not a problem
except if you watch me play rock band, there’s a $10 performance fee.
we need eric lee to play some rock band. WHATS UP ELEE.
isaac graham>>>you
know your role, bring your HD and maybe it’ll be worth you coming
people who play the actual instrument IRL does not count towards +skill in rock band.
If I have Sunday off of work then its cool.
I think it would. I base this belief on the fact that if you’ve specialized in say, Longswords (+2 to attack rolls and +2 to damage) you automatically gain profeciencies in all related ‘sword’ weapons. Ergo, any sort of sword, barring the Bastard Sword as it is considered ‘exotic’, would gain +1 to attack rolls and +1 to damage because of your specialization in Longswords.
Obviously, depending on his class, he would get more skill points to allocate. Sadly the bonuses do not stack, so getting specialization in another sword type would not give an additional +1 attack +1 damage bonus to Longsword.
NOPE. you’re wrong.
How much for an autograph?