1v1s dammit!

Alright so I foolishy assumed that this game would come with 1v1 ranked online play…sooo disappointed to find out otherwise : ( But! No doubt people are exchanging their PSN infos no? feel free to add me I’d be more then happy to play with some new people. Just bought the game so I’m pretty nub nub but do have a ssb background. So yeah the game is growing on me but I need some actual matches and not this silly ass FFA or 2v2 shit : /

Add me!! : D PSN: CounterMeasured

psn : goddessbracelet

I’d be happy to do some 1v1 with you :slight_smile:

yeah definitely add me! I’m just about to go to sleep though haha (ridiculous sleep schedule ^_^) but I’ll definitely be on tonight : D looking forward to getting schooled
: P

If you’re looking for a practice buddy you can add me.

Char: Sweet Tooth

However I really suck so that’s why I asked if you need a practice buddy

How do you even 1v1 online with this game?
PSN: juan_ZER-011
Add me I need 1v1 experience

You just make a FFA with 2 participants.

I’ll be sure to add all of you once I get home : D

also! one thing that’s kind of annoying about psn is the lack of a party chat function : / So! If any of you guys have a computer near by we could do a skype party chat that way we can y’know take turns with matches. otherwise people wind up being ignored cause who wants to type little chat messages on the controller y’know? So if you gots da skype add me!

Skype: Frank_desu (Depew, NY)

Btw is there a spectator function for this game? o.0

I think you might of mistyped your PSN name cause it’s not finding you : / but feel free to add me

Can’t play right now, but maybe tomorrow or saturday :slight_smile:
looking forward to playing with you guys.

You know I think they added a party chat feature to PSN recently however any in-game voice options override it :frowning:

Heres a 1v1 tourney going on http://cdn.fraggednation.net/event/allstars/

Prize will be an Elgato Game Capture HD if 64 participants enter. Wasn’t really sure where to post this. (probably will mention in the psasbr announced thread)

Oh I apologize about that,I meant sharpshotjiggles not shop. Anyways I’ll add you probably in a couple of hours,but yeah I think 2V2 is really efficient way to practice in my opinion.

yess! 1v1’s please! Add me:ken123103
Characters: Sweet Tooth, Radec, Drake,

sounds good man! will do: D