[12/11/10] LI, NY Smithtown Play n Trade SSF4/3s/Hokuto No Ken

Date -
December 11, 2010

Time -
Sign ups - 12:00
Tournament - 2:00

32 East Main Street
New York, 11787
United States of America



1-631-871-3860 (Ask for Brad)

For those of you taking the train from Penn station use the Port Jeff line and get off at the Smithtown station.

The tournaments run will be :

Super Street Fighter 4 - Xbox360
Street Fighter 3rd Strike - Ps2
HnK - JPs2

Tournament entry per game :
$10 - Super
$5 - SF3
$1 - HnK
House Fee : $10

The prize pots will be split between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd

SSFIV Rules -
All characters allowed.
Rounds are best 2/3 and matches are best 2/3.
Finals will be best 3/5 and 2/3 matches.
Double Elimination.

Street Fighter 3 : Third Strike -
Gill is banned
Rounds are best 2/3 and matches are best 2/3.
Finals will be best 3/5 and 2/3 matches.
Double Elimination.

Hokuto no Ken Rules -
All characters allowed.
Rounds are best 2/3 and matches are best 2/3.
Finals will be best 3/5 and 2/3 matches.
Double Elimination (depending on how many we have might just do single elimination)

handless Honda will show his true potential.


Bump for actually having combos in AE

hope it REALLY is character lock Bison/vega

Apparently I forgotvto edit out character lock last time. My bad. I’m slacking

get hype for random fighters let me know what you want to see and i will try to deliver…i might bring my laptop or a jps2

Heh, I’m enjoying the frequency. Let’s do this!


i’m thar.

Bump, and i vote you bring whatever the definitive version of Darkstalkers is Kenny.

ill bring Vampire Savior definatly due to i have it for both jps2 and on my laptop.

Just got back from nec so you guys should start getting hype for this!

I will be there this time

im gonna more prepared for this one

Might have HnK Dollar entry tournament.

Hokuto no Ken Rules -
All characters allowed.
Rounds are best 2/3 and matches are best 2/3.
Finals will be best 3/5 and 2/3 matches.
Double Elimination (depending on how many we have might just do single elimination)

i leave this day :frowning:

Time to oil up.

I’ll be there