Here are the top 8 from last night’s ST tournament at Preppy’s.
ST, 17 people
1-Julien “zass” Beasley-Dictator, Boxer, Chun Li +10
(lost 1st set of GF to RayBlade)
2-Ray “RayBladeX” Teruya-Boxer, Claw +7
(lost to Nate “XTG” Montes and to zass)
3-Yosuke “Otome=/=Yosuke” Izuka-Chun Li +5
(lost to zass and RayBladeX)
4-Keith “DoughBoy” Huang-O. Sagat, Claw, Dee Jay +3
(lost to Yosuke and RayBladeX)
5/6-Elias “Mechanica” Darling-Boxer, Sim +1
(lost to zass and RayBladeX)
5/6-Alex “umbrellastyle” Kelly-Guile +1
(lost to Mechanica and DoughBoy)
From what I gathered, here are the current ST point standings:
Julien Beasley-50 pts
Keith Huang-38 pts
Mandel Scott-23 pts
Nate Montes-18 pts
Alex Kelly-14 pts
Yosuke-8 pts
Ondrej Lang-8 pts
RayBladeX-7 pts
Itazan-7 pts
Julian Blake-7 pts
Josh Rey-3 pts
Pablo Basilio-3 pts
Mechanica-1 pt
Sam Yatchmenoff-1 pt
Mo Shanahan-1 pt
Notes from last night:
Thanks for the Portland peeps for coming on up. This was a warm up tournament in preparation for Winter Showdown, our regional tournament next Saturday. Hope to see everyone there.
As always, Preppy is an amazing host.
As always, Jetay “Raishinken” Barber accused everyone of conspiring against him to cause his early exit in the ST tournament. Yes, the world is against you.
RaybladeX if a fuck’n beast at ST. For only the 3rd time this year, Beasley lost a match (first set of the GF) at a local ST tournament.
SamY claimed that this was the first time he had ever seen RayBladeX use anyone other than Boxer.
The usual organizers for MvC2 (Deezo) didn’t show up until after midnight (due to work), and there wasn’t very much interest in a Marvel tournament at that point. Fear not, the Seattle scene isn’t about to abandon Marvel.
dann (Daniel Hwang) lost a game to Kuenai. Just thought that I should share that tidbit. He was somewhat ashamed afterwards.
Once again, zass can’t be caught in the rankings.
Good job to Yosuke for powering through the cheese.
Some for the more noteworthy matches:
Nate “XTG” Montes over RayBladeX
Mechanica over Alex “umbrellastyle” Kelly
Pablo_the_Mex over XTG
Deezo usually runs Marvel this tournament season. He could only show up after midnight, due to work or something. There also wasn’t a large contingent of MvC2 players left by then. Jmar didn’t show, Rat wasn’t there, and numerous other Marvelheads were MIA.
I wrapped up ST by 10:30 or so, and I was considering starting a Marvel tournament. However, my carpoolers had originally said that they wanted to leave by midnight, so I didn’t want to start something that I couldn’t finish. We ended up leaving at 2:30AM instead.
We put 2 TVs in the kitchen and played on DC. Sitting on hardwood was painful for some people. However, with an abridged house (due to the work in the basement), it was a lot easier to find people for their matches.
It was funny ONLY because dann was a little perturbed by it. No knock to Kuenai as a player. I like the guy (no homo), and he remains the only person in the world that I’m willing to money match.:china:
Of course I care. The first post has been amended. If anyone else sees any egregious oversights, let me know and I can correct them. If anyone knows RayBladeX and @js’ last names, that would help too.
Good shit fellas, especially to Yosuke for representing Chun Li while I was gone =D. Alex was lying to me last night talkin bout “man I did horrible I placed like 11th.” Then I look at this thread and find out that this nigga placed 5th and shit. You’re a lying dirtbag Alex.
Thanks, I’ll amend RaybladeX’s name in the first post now. Also, I needed Andrew’s name for the tournament reporting software. So I’m good to go once Beasley gets back from Canada and reopens the server.
Never trust white people. I don’t.
There is truth to this. Despite having grown from the 3/16 tournament where Portland made up 4 of the 8 ST entrants (we’ve now had 22 or 25 entrants), our events are still relatively small. In a 16 man event, you can get a point (5-6th) for going 2 and 2. Still, it’s tougher than the days when you might luck into a BYE and earn a point just for showing up. Ah, those were the days. The days when Julian “Airthrow” Blake would proclaim himself to be the second best ST player in Seattle.