(10/12/10) 8 on the Break Weekly #78

Another exciting tourney from the Break!!

1: ParlinMai (Cammy)
1: Ryder (Abel)
3: EMP Santhrax (Sagat, Cammy, C. Viper)
4: KDZ
5: K Hunter
5: Dave Destruction
7: Kazi
7: JD
9: Yorai Dragon
9: Kunga Kesh
9: Sai
9: Dynicksty
13: Wonfei
13: Joe Lewis
13: WetBucket
13: Joneek
17: Raven
17: Orso
17: DemonEyes
17: Soulobsceneity
17: Puccabuki

Abel is to Cheap and Cammy takes way to much Damage lol ggs

GGS to everyone as usual. And thanks for the support from everyone for the project (you know who you are). Here’s a short trailer test from Tech Throw Thursday…


See everyone at SB!

4 Cakes at the break? Too gdlk!

You made a video about Philly, and I’m not in it. Edit me in. :frowning:

No drinks for Mr. Director over there!

Damn, I came to The Break for some cake and got no cake. WTF. But it was a while since I visited, so I came up and had alot of fun. I’ll probably come back next week now that I know that there’s a bar around the block.

Vids are up on Jaxel’s YouTube. And do come out to the Jaxeldome on the 23rd. It’s going to be ridiculous.
