Hi there! I am a new SFV player from Argentina. And I’ve been encountering some troubles playing the game online. The thing is that whenever I queue up for online matches (wich I usually set to 4-5 bars only and set it to confirm the request) I get A LOT of 1 bar matches (despite the filter), in fact most of them are. I do get some good matches though, 5 bars and all and it’s enjoyable but it’s really frustrating that most of them are 1 bar and I have to wait a lot for good ones!!! even though these people are close to me. Like my friend who is literally 10 blocks away from me, same ISP and we get 1 bar while I get 5 bars with a lot of people from other countries (Brazil and Chile).
I searched and i saw that a lot of people suggest to open some ports on the router. I 've tried my best to do it, but now I know that my ISP blocks ports for their users unless you contract a service with a Public IP (they use a private one for standard users apparently). Could this be the problem?? The ports??
I don’t know much about networks that’s why I ask for help, but I can play other online games flawlessly with my connection, like League of Legends for instance, and have no trouble with anything else whatsoever.
I hope you can help me, I fell in love with this game but this is really frustrating
P.S sorry if my english is bad at some point.