[1/16] MAXOUT KC, s2e2: T6, sf4, bb, gg, hdr

Welcome to SEASON 2, Episode 2 of Kansas City’s only Monthly Tournament Series!

Venue:Toad’s Pub and Perk, AKA The Daily Dose
Location:** 12056 W 135th St, Overland Park, KS 66221**
Easy access from I-35 Highway
Date:** Saturday, January 16th**
Start Time: Doors will open for games at 12 pm
Venue Fee: $5
Price per game: $10/$5


How this event works, is that by paying the $10 entry into a game, you have already bought yourself an opportunity to compete again, even if you are eliminated from the tournament. Example: SFIV has 24 entries, and you were one of them. You may be selected among the 24 people who entered SFIV, to compete in the SFIV match. Each game will have it’s own match, just like this.

Following each tournament, 2 players that competed will be randomly selected from a raffle to compete against one another in a FT3 match for $10. This means that even if you are a lower level competitor, you may have the opportunity to square off against someone else of your level in a chance to regain your entry money. In the event a lower level competitor plays a stronger opponent, you are getting a free lesson, and if two strong players are paired off… well that’s just HYPE!!.

This will be the case for each game. The money comes straight out of my pocket, so don’t worry about the pots being infringed on. This is just another way to generate hype at the tournaments, and give even weaker players a chance to shine.


This season, we’re doing it right. Every entry fee that is collected will put $2 toward that games seasonal ranbat pot. At the end of the season, each games pot will be split 60/25/10/5. The $5 games are getting $1 put toward their ranbat pot.

The Lineup

Tekken 6 : Bloodline Rebellion (PS3) $10
Street Fighter IV (PS3) $10

BlazBlue (PS3) $5
Guilty Gear Accent Core (PS2) $5
Street Fighter HDRemix (PS3) $5

Street Fighter IV 2v2 Teams (PS3)
T6 2v2 Teams (PS3)
We are taking suggestions for other titles. We will probably bring other games with us, and take votes at the venue on the day of the tournaments. We are fairly open to suggestions, and will run anything if at least 8 people are willing to enter.

Games we will have on hand in case there is request for them:
Marvel Vs Capcom 2
Melty Blood : Actress Again (PS2)
King of Fighters XII (PS3)
Street Fighter 3S

Casuals and Registration start at 12 pm


All tournaments will be 2/3 Rounds, 2/3 Matches, Double elimination unless listed otherwise.
Tekken 6 will be 3/5 rounds, 2/3 Matches, Double Elimination.
Button binds will be legal for GGAC.
If you wish to change controls, do so prior to the match.
If you wish to use multi button binds for other games, it will have to be at the affirmation of your opponent.
Default button binds are exempt from this rule
Winner keeps same character, loser may select a new one
All games will be played on random stage select

Character Banning List:
GGAC EX, Gold, Black characters
HDR Akuma

T6 will be 3/5 rounds, 2/3 matches

The venue is a Bar and Coffee House. It also serves a wide variety of food, so people don’t have to leave the venue to get something to drink or eat. And if celebrating your recent victories, or drowning your sorrows over your recent ass-beatings is your pleasure, the bar is open all day and night.

**Please pre-register in this format: **
John B - (AxioM) - KC, KS - SFIV
Name - (Alias) - City, State - Games being played


Street Fighter IV

Twilightfox - 10
Warden - 7
Chachi - 5
Lyquid - 4
Wally - 3
Boxbrosg - 3
GetThere1Time - 2
Jude - 2
AxioM - 1

Tekken 6

The FOUNDER - 10
AxioM - 7
Boxbrosg - 5
Ekie - 4
Mr Imprimis - 3
Eugene - 3
DragonImmortal - 2
ArkiveZero - 2
Count Smakula - 1
Radian - 1
TwilightFox - 1
CPhame - 1
Ben-Ra - 1
Prodigy - 1

BlazBlue : Calamity Trigger

Catusguy - 10
Blargh - 7
Radian - 5
Dator - 4
TwilightFox - 3
Warden - 3
Prod1jy - 2
IOKain - 2
AxioM - 1
CPHame - 1

Guilty Gear Accent Core

AxioM - 10
Boxbrosg - 7
Radian - 4
NotSaki - 3
ArkiveZero - 3
Luminaire - 2
Blargh - 2

Street Fighter HDR

Jude - 10
Chachi - 7
Boxbrosg - 5
ArkiveZero - 4

LOL alright this time I’ll be there. I’ll fuckin make sure I’m not sick this time.

Zer0: GG, HDR & as of right now I’m still deciding on BB.

Missed the last one, but I think I’m good this time. Count me in!

Torrey - DrunkNinja - Bolivar, MO - SF4, Blazblue, HDR

You’d better be there Clint! I missed fighting your Potemkin last time lol

Nick D - blargh - KS, MO - BB and GG for now

And I’ll post this on dloop!

Thank you, sir.

Dator and I will be there for sure. Although, I’m gonna get rocked(even more than usual :razz:) due to a preemptive character switch for CS.

Aaron P. - Dator- Topeka - BB

Erik P. - ioKain - Topeka - BB

Im hoping to be their the last three times i tried to come i had work im hoping i will be there.

Malcolm-B1ack Phantom-LS missouri-SFiv

Deron - Prod1gy - KCMO - T6, BB

Axiom Vs Chachi FT5 in SFIV - Featured match

Any other hype matches that need to be going down? Any game is fine.

I plan on being there again. The more people playing HDR the better.

Good shit to Peter for featuring us in This article.

Much appreciated sir. :china:

ill be there for sure and street fighter teams how much would that be?

I’m thinking of lowering the price for teams to $5 per team instead of $5 per head, because turnout has been pretty terrible for teams.

That would be wonderfull.

Get ready KC, I’m coming up there and bringing some Springfield with me!