05/16/09 Play N Trade NYC Ranbat #3 for SF4

Lets go more people!!!

Me and my brother are down

Christopher “JUDDERMANG” Cruz
Phillipe “juDDz” Cruz

Yeah on the internet i am a 6 foot tall black dude. in real life i am a nerdy lil bitch, sorry

also i didnt really mean to sound that cocky in that post, i was like half joking.

^^ (always gotta say shit like this just in case you lose to random balrog scrub)

I’ll come again this time.

i will be there, EggirLs

Perfect way to wrap things up after finals are done; count me in. Mark me down as atm0 though.

damn won’t be able to make it to this one, i’m in Massachusetts =/

If I can get my stick dual-modded or get an XCM Cross Fire converter before 5.16 I’ll come through.

Just come, peeps will let you borrow a stick for a match if needed.

I just didn’t want to be that guy, lol. Yea, put me on the list.

Justin you have me down twice on the list.

Im in.

I think Im working, but If not then Im down. I guess put my name down.

im in there

Sign me up.

i might be there if i dont oversleep or have anything to do so put me down

How does one go about getting in this if they’re new to the scene? I really wanna attend.

Sign me up please.

Just show up pay the entry fee ($10) and play, everyone is chill for the most part so you can ask questions if you have any.

Justin put me down. I’ll try my hardest to attend now that Saturdays are free for me.

Hopefully this isn’t too deep on the hateraid, but…

Could the tourney be run faster? The last time I went there was a lot of downtime and confusion. It was a combination of people not listening and people just idling around. I think there should be matches played constantly, like clockwork. No?
