[04-15-11] Pool Hall Brawl Bi-Weekly - Spotswood, NJ 08884

Welcome back to the Stage of History!
What’s up, fighters? Seems like we’re slowly, but surely picking up speed and have no plans on stopping anytime soon! Remember: more players means bigger payouts and more HYPE matches! Spread the word and put this tourney on the map! If you have any questions about the tourney, locale, or anything else; PM either myself or DjShefu and we’ll give you the rundown!


Now, I will be holding a poll, due to lack of interest of Super’s attendance. If anyone is interested in participating in Super, I need at least a minimum of 16 people. Any less and I will not bother, simply put.

Also, if anyone is interested, I can dual mod sticks. If anyone would like to discuss on getting their arcade stick modded for all current gen consoles, please feel free to ask me. Cosmetics too, I’m willing to tackle any project! :slight_smile:

It’s time to get ready, fighters! Be fierce or be free!!


April 15th, 2011 Friday


Stix Billiards
491 Manalapan Rd.
Spotswood, NJ, 08884


Signups - 9 PM
Marvel vs Capcom 3 - 10 PM
Super Street Fighter 4 - ???



  • $5 for venue
  • $10 for entry per tourney
  • Also, there will be snacks and what not available. So bring extra, just in case!

Tournament Rules:

Super: ???
Games will be played on XBox 360 and PS3!!
Double Elimination Brackets
No characters banned
Winner Character’s and Ultra locked, Loser may change Character/Ultra
Stages set to Random
Best 2/3 rounds with 99 sec
Best 2/3 matches
Double Blind Pick available upon request, just ask.
All Finals will be set to best 2/3 rounds on 3/5 matches
Payouts are 70/20/10

Games will be played on XBox 360 and PS3!!
Double Elimination Brackets
No characters banned
Winner Team and Assists are locked, Loser may change their Team and/or Assist types
Stages set to Random
Best 2/3 rounds with 99 sec
Best 2/3 matches
Double Blind Pick available upon request, just ask.
All Finals will be set to best 2/3 rounds on 3/5 matches
Payouts are 70/20/10


  • First, and foremost, please BYOC. If you do not have a pad or stick, see either myself or DjShefu. I will try and bring as much extra equipment I can, but I cannot supply everyone. Help me, Help you.
  • Any controllers that have a turbo function are to remain off during tournament play. Use of turbo during tournament matches will result in a loss of the current match being played and removal from tournament for a second offense, at the coordinator’s discretion.
  • Macro controllers are banned.
  • Game pausing may only be used during button checks before matches start or before first punch thrown. If you forget to button check before your match starts, you MUST go back to character select and run through the process. Any pause during the match may result in a round loss at the opponent’s discretion.
  • Threats of any kind will result in immediate ejection from the tournament and the venue. Saying this once is enough.
  • Once matches are finished, players are to report to either myself or DjShefu with the results of the match.
  • Please respect the equipment and venue. Use the rule of thumb, “Treat it, as if it was your own.”
  • Above all else, have fun.

Any questions, complaints, or concerns; please PM me and I will try and answer any question the best as I can. Also, if you want to bring setups, you’re more than welcome to. Just let me know what you’re bringing and I’ll make sure that it’s labeled properly. Spread the word! If you’re coming in from the NYC area or anywhere else, just send me a message and I give you the information on public transport routes, maybe even hook up a ride situation. We’re looking for around 20 people minimum and remember; More people = Bigger Prizes!

Hype bump!

I’ll most likely be at this.

Is simple mode allowed? One of my friends plays simple mode and would like to know.

I don’t see why we can’t accommodate simple mode, I’ll allow it.


Wow this is 5 minutes from my house! Is this still on? Definitely attending with at least another person if it is!

Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?

ill most likely be there.

Im thinking of going but im from ny and dont want to travel out there if no one going to show up how many people are u expecting minimum ?

Hopefully 20 minimum, my co-organizer and I have been spreading the word around between our friends and around our work. We’re hoping for a good turnout, especially being the first tourney.

how many for ssf4 ?

if i go ill bring a few people just far for me so wanna make sure its worth the trip to play ssf4 cause i know everyone playing mvc3 these days

Bump for interest!

Bump! For the tourney being tomorrow!

finally! whatever was wrong with my account is fixed.
registration willl be done as people come in to ask about the tournament and I will be writing down the list of people, because someone thought it was hilarious to put Sentinel down on the signup sheet & it wasn’t a real person and thus screwed up the brackets.
hope to see a decent sized turnout tomorrow night!
bring your A-game!

can I get a phone # of someone at the event?

i’m going to PM you my phone # if Shiro hasn’t already
i’d post the # for the pool hall here, but the place just opened up about 2 weeks ago & it does not have a phone # yet.

At the pool hall ATM. Set up my xbox & I have a wired regular xbox controller ( A button is wonky) & I have my hori arcade stick setup as well. If ppl are reading this thread before they come, BRING YOUR OWN CONTROLLERS!

1st & 2nd place Diem & Kuzco (sp?)
3rd place myself

It was fun =]

Lol, it’s “Zucco” sir. Kinda like the Fire Nation prince from Avatar. Dunno if that’s related or not, but that’s the best way I remembered it.

@Penance, I’ll also PM you my cell if you wanna get in contact with me about entering the tournies and any other info. Everything for the most part is discussed in the OP, but I’ll be glad to answer any other questions you may have. Just let me know!