02/02/08 Shinjuku West Exit Club Sega ("Nishi Sega") CvS2 Singles and 2on2 results


Some Round 1 Matches
Izumi (S-Sakura, Ryu, SAGAT) vs. Pinokio (K-Akuma, Ken, RYU)
Akira (K-Akuma, Geese, SAGAT) vs. Mizoteru (K-Zangief, Sagat, BLANKA)D44 (A-Bison, Blanka, VEGA) vs. GunterJPN (A-Zangief, Blanka, BISON)
Some Round 2 Matches
D44 (A-Bison, Blanka, VEGA) vs. Mizoteru (K-Zangief, Sagat, BLANKA)
Tsugunosuke (N-Iori, Chun, SAGAT) vs. Vega Curry (A-Bison, Vega, BLANKA)
Ichi (K-Kyo, Chun, SAGAT) vs. Tsugunosuke (N-Iori, Chun, SAGAT)
D44 (A-Bison, Blanka, VEGA) vs. Ichi (N-Kyo, SAGAT, Chun)D44 (A-Bison, Blanka, VEGA) vs. Tsugunosuke (N-Iori, Chun, SAGAT)



Some Round 1 Matches

Aniki (K-Blanka, Sagat, YAMAZAKI) vs. BEA (K-Raiden, Sagat, BLANKA)Akira (C-Ken, Yamazaki, SAGAT) vs. BEA (K-Raiden, Sagat, BLANKA)
Some Round 2 Matches

GunterJPN (A-Blanka, Zangief, BISON) vs. Konto (K-Bison, Blanka, SAGAT)(Konto teamed with BEA, who I had beaten prior to this match, but Bas didn’t press record!:rolleyes:)

Pinokio (K-Chun, Hibiki, CAMMY) vs. Gao (K-Geese, Nakoruru, ROCK)

Mizoteru (K-Blanka, Cammy, SAGAT) vs. GunterJPN (A-Zangief, Blanka, BISON)[media=youtube]aqWahsTzKMU"[/media]

D44 (A-Bison, Blanka, VEGA) vs. Tsugunosuke (N-Iori, Chun, SAGAT)(Bas beat Ichi prior to this match, I was late getting there)

Mizoteru (K-Blanka, Cammy, SAGAT) vs. Ichi (N-Kyo, SAGAT, Chun)

Bas had to leave before the 3rd place match, so he couldn’t lose to my team:rofl:.

thats the best n-chun i’ve ever seen (tsugunosuke’s chun).

thanks a ton for the vids gunter. i remember you posted fairly recent tourney results from some 2v2 with Tsugunosuke and some N-ken/chun/sagat team who got first over a bunch of cvs2 beasts, and i was really interested to see some of his vids. even though i sold all my gaming stuff, these vids are really enjoyable to watch, especially any N-groove and iyo vids. so thanks again for the vids, keep up the good work :tup:
