Zero damage escapes from holds

Alright so i went back and tested it some more, and it looks like my memory was wrong about holds doing different numbers of hits without mashing from either side. Blanka’s always does seven, Ken’s always does five.

However, i was able to mash out of Blanka’s hold without any premashing. It’s very rare though. I tried it fifty times with the same mash pattern (U+LP, F+MP, D+HP, B+LK) and only got it twice. The rest of the time it was fluctuating between one, two, and three bites in roughly equal proportion.

It’s difficult to say what’s really going on because turbo speed frame skipping plays such a huge factor in these matters, so i retested it on Turbo 0 and it didn’t seem to make a difference.

I also tested premashing during dizzy until the frame right before Blanka’s F+HP input and it didn’t seem to matter. Blanka still did seven bites.

Yeah ‘pre-mashing’ doesn’t exist. The game doesn’t register any inputs as ‘struggling commands’ before a hold is initiated. The only commands that count towards releasing you from a hold are the inputs done AFTER a hold has been initiated.

That’s basically what I suspected in the first place. I added it to the Wiki a week or so ago because I felt confident enough in my assumptions. But a few people asked me about the zero damage escapes on SRK/#capcom after my edit that I figured more testing wouldn’t hurt.

So thanks to Maj for confirming everyone’s questions. :rock:

The first quote here is what I added to the ‘mash/holds’ section of the Wiki regarding escaping from holds while taking zero damage.

The quote below has to do with escaping holds while retaining charge. It’s a new addition I made so I’ll point it out as well though it doesn’t directly relate to the topic at hand.

Good shit. But we’re not done yet. There’s one more thing to do. Write a summary post of everything we’ve found in about 4-5 paragraphs, including links to the SRK wiki and links to a couple of those relevant u2b vids. Then we’ll all nominate it for an article and it should end up on the front page. Just write it so everything is clear as a stand-alone article.

Tomorrow I will do a write up on everything.

Hey so, what’s going on with this? Don’t overthink it dude. Just make it simple and clear. Leave the obscure details to all the stuff already written in this thread.

Well I was cleaning up the Wiki again last night and I noticed loads of bad information, misinformation, or stuff that was completely missing from the ST section. I think instead of doing a small writeup on zero damage hold escapes I’m doing to finish the main page of the SRK wiki first. Finishing the main page is going to take a lot of work though unfortunately. I’m not really a contribution point person as I’ve been silently editing the Wiki for the last month now. I would rather not put an article on the first page that directs people to the Wiki just yet. I’ll save a front page writeup when I’m done cleaning the ST Wiki of information and then adding in some useful links to the page as well.

Okay sir, your call. But this isn’t about little digital medals. It’s about trying to get 10k people to see this information as opposed to 10.

Yeah I don’t think it would be good to get 10K people to read the SRK ST Wiki right now. In a week or so I’ll probably have the main ST section at least cleaned up then I’ll do a front page write up.