Yang’s command grab has the ability to be set up somewhat like a, “tick throw,” and reliably be used to reset damage scaling after a focus attack or a dizzy. Fei, on the other hand, can directly special cancel his normals into his command throw and provide a small gap (usually 3f or 4f). However, unlike Fei, Yang’s normals have ridiculous amount of hit stun which allow him to leave only a frame or two of “free frames” for his opponents to escape.
The Frame Data of Zenpou Tenshin:
[]Normal command grab has a range of 1 (typical of a normal throw); EX command grab has a range of 1.2 (like Zangief’s Super).
[]Normal command grab has a startup of 10f, EX has a startup of 7f
[]Both command grabs have 2 active frames.
[]Both command grabs leave you at +7f. The best follow-up for either throw is probably cl.hp (6f start-up) xx hp rekkas.
Why Yang’s Command Throw Could See More Use Than Fei Long’s:
Don’t get me wrong; both characters are really dependent on staying close range for their pressure. However, the range on Fei’s Tenshin is 0.85; two attacks typically pushes a character too far away to be hit. Because Yang has an increased range (and decreased start-up time), Yang is able to use the insane amount of frame advantage off of his normals to provide a solid mix-up.
Why Yang’s Normals Lack in This Respect:
Fei’s jabs, on block, provide 10f of blockstun and 13f of hitstun. Without FADCing, the highest frame advantage Yang has (on block) is 4f. On hit, though, Yang has enough frame advantage to provide a decent gap (s.lp (blocked), ex command grab has a 3 frame gap).
The Purpose of this Thread:
There’s probably potential here. Off of a focus attack or a dizzy, it seems relatively simple to ease a command throw into a block string and completely reset the damage scaling. A good example of this would be FA 3, s.lp (don’t special cancel) command grab, cl.hp xx hp rekkas. So just brainstorm and throw out some ideas; there’s probably some decent set ups off of FADCs, but it’s probably not worth the meter.
Zenpou Tenshin Set-Ups:
Note: In this thread, using x represents not special canceling; xx refers to special canceling.
On Hit:
-c.lp x ex tenshin (1f gap)
-s.lp x tenshin (2f gap)
On Block:
-s.lp x ex tenshin (3f gap)