thats just a mock up, there’s no even any side buttons or bottom pannel
yeah can i be added to the waiting list as well? thanks
yo zal,
chad was supposed to send you screwins… did he mess up and send you snap ins instead?? If so, is is still doable with the ones you got? Otherwise, we need to return them to him and ask for a replacement…
let me know!
he only sent me snap ins for the small ones. i’ll try to work with them
updates this weekend
sorry again guys, i have alot of school work atm, but hold tight i’m just trying to make sure all of your shit is quality. i’m working on integrating magnet’s into the design so that opening the bottom is a snap.
I know you’re closed to new orders now, but since I’ll be looking at one come late December/early January, I think it might be alright to ask the questions now while it’s still fresh on my mind.
Are you able to do SFAC spacing on concave buttons?
Are original XBox sticks a possibility? If so, is a single L&R button, maybe on the side, also doable?
Can Start and Back/Select be located on the main face?
And finally,
- What would be the price if all the above is possible?
Thank you for reading and answering.
all is possible for about $65
When you get the chance, I would like to be put on the waiting list for a blank Japanese stick.
If that’s possible :wonder:
you got it!
I would also like to be put on waiting list for a blank box for japanese parts.
hey zal, do you have any spare american boxes right now? if so, i would like to buy one =]
Hey Zal, any updates for me??
yeah i everything is ready to go, did you want QD’s on your pad?
also did you want me hack the left shoulder buttons or are the ones on the right good enough? i’ll be shipping out monday. sorry its taken so long, i’ve run into ALOT of problems with my other stuff. but your shit is all ready it just needs QD’s and glue
bobby’s world i don’t right now, but i can put you on the waiting list
and tetsu you’re on it!
Yeah i want QDs, and i want you to hack, L1, and R1.
ok i’ll hack L1 right now, and the QD’s will be getting here today
yaeh if you can put me on teh waiting list, that would be great!
Good sir. I’m not ordering anything as of yet, but I just want to let you know, I admire you for your great works of art.
i wish it was art ha ha
check out TMO’s norris arcade sticks, those are fucking pimp
Link please. Also how would one go about hacking a PS2 PCB board?
Pad Hacking:
TMO Gaming’s Norris Arcade Sticks:
Tech Talk’s your friend Ubo. Best board on SRK. :woot: