ok well i don’t have a design that will mount that stick, but talk to me next week, i think i’ll be able to order the mounting plates for those jap sticks and design a box accordingly
what stick is that just for reference? if its a hori i can probably build you a box this week,
Zal, sorry to add another one on top of the questions I already asked, but are you using the Chinese Happ Competitions or the iL manufactured Competitions?
I wouldn’t even consider using the happ comp, i’ve heard too many bad things about it, and the only part of the stick i want to be budget is the materials of the case it self, thats to say that i will be using the finest quality arcade parts available. so sorry i should’ve clarified earlier, but yes i do use the iL comp
when it comes time for jap sticks i’ll probably use the JLW as its less expensive and not too terribly different from the JLF
How much would shipping to california cost for an empty case? Also, since the box is screwed together, do you think you would be able to ship it not assembled as to save on shipping costs. Thanks in advance!
Bump for update, final design ready, I have the first two boxes ready (rugedman and EtotheNG) and there are three more awaiting assembly in santa fe. (LBC, fuzzy snugs, and domino logic.)
is there anyone i’m missing? sorry if i forgot about you, i just did not expect this many orders so soon.
i’ll be building more boxes this week and hacking pads on thursday. once the pads are hacked, i’ll be ordering buttons and taking payments.
thank you all for your support thus far, i have a feeling this is going to be a magic carpet ride ha ha!:wgrin::wgrin::wgrin::wgrin::wgrin:
I like the height and angle of the example box-- I’m wondering if you’d be willing to do one that’s got an extra 3-4 inches of face area added to either side. Basically same placement, but on a wider top panel.
If so, I’m definitely down for one. Lemme know and then we can talk price. Thanks a lot!
Snatcher: i’m currently taking orders, i’ve never shipped international but there’s no reason i can’t start now PM and we can get the ball rolling
Ec gief, it’ll take a slight re design but it wouldn’t be much of a challenge, PM me and we can work out the details, would $25 be ok for the box as it would be a one off?