Yun Q&A: Ask simple questions here!

Sorry for making you explain it so much. I had originally thought plinking the MP was just MP+LP once, instead of the MP and THEN MP + LP.

Well it depends on which combo. If you’re doing, st.lp., st.lp, xx Kicks, this is how I’m training it.

cr.lp+mk, (release to neutral)double tap lp, (press towards)double tap lp, plink lp~mp, (pull the stick down, slide it to towards diagonal) any kick button.

Of course the first input is to crouch tech, which also gives me the option of pressing that again if I’m hit confirming. The stick inputs I’ve listed allow for an easy, slow, accurate execution, rather than squeezing the DP motion between and mk/hk. It’s not that it’s hard to do the DP that way, but this method allows for perfect execution down the road and makes extending into Genei Jin even easier, since the wrist is nice and relaxed and the stick can be set to neutral, which reduces the chance of accidental inputs when the adrenaline is running during the match.

The other input I alluded to was for the mp combos which might be:
cr.lp+lk+mp, plink, plink xx special.

Obviously, this goes for all character specific variations of his combos starting with

It’s also worth noting that confirming into his lp, mp, hp, back hp chain combo is also easier with the plink, which is useful for FA(hit) dash into Ultra. That’s a heavily scaled, but useful combo in end of round situations.

Also, the double taps aren’t necessary, and don’t help with the links, but it’s better to double tap off of a jump in attack to increase the chances of hitting it. Since I’m double tapping in that situation, I just put double taps every where to simplify my execution, since there is no advantage to omitting the double tap.

Uh quick question, what’s the best way to deal with mid range neutral jumping from the opponent? Like just outside of range is where I have the hardest time dealing with it.

It’s extremely hard to deal with online because your reactions need to be on point. If you’re dealing with this online, the best option is to usually just walk your opponent down into the corner and keep them there with Lunge or get out of the range.

My options -
Go into the air with them (depends on what character, but typically you’ll want j.LP, nj.LK, j.MK, j.HP, or j.HK)
LP or MP Lunge them (reactions need to be on point)
MK/HK Kicks (difficult to time)
EX Kicks (easier)
Walk them down (LP/MP Lunge is a lot easier to do if they’re cornered)
Walk forward and LK Kicks (unrealistic most of the time…probably)
fst.MK (experimenting with this myself)

Also, you should always be plinking/double tapping. Always. Don’t look at it as “oh, I can hit this link, I don’t need to.” Look at is like “just in case I somehow miss this link, I have a fallback.”

An alternative is, if you have the lifelead and they’re just neutral jumping far enough away from you… just whiff palms and build meter. But yeah, usually when I see people do that, I either lunge punch them, walk up lk.dp (not feasible online as said) walk up or just walk them to the corner.

As far as plinking, I agree. But I usually say, anything 3 frame links and easier doesn’t need it. But everything that’s 2 frames or tigher, whether it be yun mps, ryu into sweep, Gen bnb, i always plink.

Derp double post, but what is the most consistent genei-jin combo after anti-air lk dp? by that I mean, what is the most consistent way to get Genei-jin going after I hit the lk dp and activate GJ, not the whole combo. or cr.hp after gj

Just saw this -

lol C’mon son. I am pretty sure Yun has a little more going for him than one 6-4 match up and five 3.5s against him.

I got trouble when input Yun’s Kara Throw f + MK and p-link with Throw
How do you press that command ? Which fingers is for which button ?

How do you cross lk dive kick? Every time I try I just get thrown and even if it connects I still get thrown. Any idea how to do it properly?

question… whenever i see people trying to FA my divekicks i go for the Jumping target combo… but it sees that the second hit of the target combo doesnt come out when i hit them with the first hit of the jumping target combo… anyone had this issue? i could use some advice please… i also incorporated a regular jumping forward but id like to blow up my opponents FA too

Are you sure you’re doing the combo right? The Second hit should come out just as you’re about to land.

I have 2 questions:
1 - Which range is Yun favour and which range Yun shouldn’t stand in ?
2 - Why many top players prefer using fsMP during block string or combo instead of cr.MK ?
3 - Frame data of his forward dash and back dash ?

I’m picking up Yun and have a few questions:

  1. HK dragon kicks are whiffing for me in the BnB, are they character specific or something?

  2. The first Genei Jin combo in the combo thread ( qcf LP qcb MP/HP qcb MP/HP qcf LP qcb MP/HP qcb MP/HP qcf LP dash SJ dive kick) always whiffs on the 4th palm. Is it just my timing?

  3. BnB ending with MK dragon kick does the same damage as MP lunge. Is lunge superior since it moves them to the corner more?

  4. Is it impossible to combo off of a crossup unless my opponent is crouching?

  1. Yes, try using MK DP. It is more consistent and almost always works on characters that HK DP doesn’t.

  2. Double palms whiff on small characters I find. You can do kara palms during the combo to keep doing it, or just change the combo.

  3. I wouldn’t necessarily say that. I think MK DP sets up better oki and still moves them decent distance. That being said, if you’re worried about link timing at all, mp lunge is slightly ‘safer’ (still not safe at all) and you can FADC or just FA release for counter hit crumple.

  4. No, I don’t that’s a factor, it’s just how deep you land the crossup.

HK DP whiffs on standing ryu ken eryu, adon, dan, hk dp works if they crouch though, although certain combos do ending with hk dp work on those characters but if you go for max damage hk dp will whiff on them.

Whats the best anti-air for Yun? i find that my Light Dragon kicks just generally trade with any incoming air attacks.
i try most of the the time to get the jumping heavy punch but sometimes i dont re-act in time for that.

Also i seem to struggle against an onslaught of Dudley normals. is there any suggestions on how to counter poke him?

You’re supposed to time it late, so you’re probably doing it too early, also against dudley use to poke him since he has problems with low attacks.

Knowing which notmals to use in every match up is key imo. For example stuffs a lot of zangiefs pokes and its very hard for him to counter poke it, cr mk works very well against dudley because it goes under a lot of his pokes, st mp seems to be the go to for most people, i prefer for poking and then > shoulder > genei jin, when im counter poking.