YRSF Presents: Japan Earthquake & Tsunami Relief MvC3/SSFIV Tourny Sat April 16th

Hey all! make sure you pay attention to this thread. Event is tomorrow and as of now we are fully booked up space wise. Please check out the first page of this post


if you don’t have time to click here is the exact list as of 9pm friday:

Registered Participants

  1. Scarace360
  2. DaDesi
  3. BuddahForce
  4. Mikey7
  5. Quan
  6. DarkDragon
  7. RPGv2
  8. Chowwun
  9. das ketty
  10. heavyarmsp
  11. Jamin3131
  12. Jing
  13. syn13
  14. white_r
  15. japots
  16. spooner
  17. EricGGMusic
  18. NickCam (pending confirmation)
  19. noodleman
  20. Brofisto
  21. Gichan
  22. Hibikster
  23. Angel of Rage
  24. Jungler
  25. Loofus
  26. Ironstein
  27. disgruntled goa
  28. NeoRussell
  29. !WB!
  30. badroc
  31. malakyoma
  32. ViSiOnInG
  33. Joker
  34. electricwizard
  35. IamTheRobin
  36. Gobias
  37. lmx

Casuals Registrations:

  1. B.Knight

  2. PiXels

  3. Beyond Human

  4. Cdr. Keen

  5. Christine White

  6. Matt

  7. Kai28

  8. Padkuma

  9. Roguelike

  10. Rebelo*

  11. RDK*

  12. Hermes*

  13. tactix*

  14. Maj*

  15. Manila555*

*On waiting list for tournament spot

If you are entering a Team for the MvC3 3v3 Please provide your Team name and members. Thanks!

MvC3 Team 3v3

  1. HSJ (Heavyarmsp, spooner, japots)
  2. We Mash “H” (DaDesi, RPGv2, Noodleman)
  3. Alex/Cuban Pete/Fuse
  4. Wesker Munro (BuddahForce/Jack/DarkDragon)

so if you aren’t on the list (or are on the waiting list) you should definitely check the thread before you leave in the morning, you can also call the shop before you come so we can let you know if there are any openings. If you are travelling from far you should do so, or have a back up plan of something to do in Markham area.

ALSO if for some reason you cannot make it please post up for let Hidey know via pm!

lastly make sure you are on time! first matches are scheduled for 2pm…ample time to get lunch and make it in…organizers will wait as long as they can but will not hesitate to give your spot away if we must get rolling. Don’t be strolling in at like 4pm expecting the whole tourney to wait for you :slight_smile:

thanks everybody and see ya’ll tomorrow

here is the stream link: Golden Horseshoe Street Fighter on Justin.tv

Thanks Jon!

Not going to be able to make it tomorrow, need to study for exams! Thought I could study ahead of time so I could go play tmrw, but apparently procrastination is deadly and I wasted too much time.

I texted Hidey so hopefully he got my msg. Good luck with the event tmrw

Thanks for letting us know Nathan, we’ll free up your spot.

it’s about 11pm, and looks like we’ve only got one drop so far…so anybody not on the main registered list please call before coming…or check this thread first thing in the morning. At the moment it looks like we’ll be fully booked for both tourney and casuals…but you never know what can happen in 12 hours.

those of you on the waiting list should call for sure…i know some of you are coming in from pretty far so we don’t want you making the trek for nothing

Waiting list:

  1. Rebelo*
  2. RDK*
  3. Hermes*
  4. tactix*
  5. Maj*
  6. Manila555*


Sorry folks but to avoid any issues with turning people away we can no longer accept any more requests to be on the waiting list.

The updated list is as follows (additional details in first two posts):

  1. Scarace360
  2. DaDesi
  3. BuddahForce
  4. Mikey7
  5. Quan
  6. DarkDragon
  7. RPGv2
  8. Chowwun
  9. das ketty
  10. heavyarmsp
  11. Jamin3131
  12. Jing
  13. syn13
  14. white_r
  15. japots
  16. spooner
  17. EricGGMusic
  18. NickCam
  19. noodleman
  20. Brofisto
  21. Gichan
  22. Hibikster
  23. Angel of Rage
  24. Jungler
  25. Loofus
  26. Ironstein
  27. disgruntled goa
  28. NeoRussell
  29. !WB!
  30. badroc
  31. malakyoma
  32. Rebelo
  33. Joker
  34. electricwizard
  35. IamTheRobin
  36. Gobias
  37. lmx

Casuals Registrations:

  1. B.Knight

  2. PiXels

  3. Beyond Human

  4. Cdr. Keen

  5. Christine White

  6. Matt

  7. Kai28

  8. Padkuma

  9. Roguelike

  10. RDK*

  11. Hermes*

  12. tactix*

  13. Maj*

  14. MoneyMarv*

im SO upset i’ll miss most of this event! stupid work related events! anyway, i see that jack and danny teamed up and are playing what is presumably a scummy wesker team. =) i’ll be there by 3 or 4 in teh afternoon to see what’s up!

EDIT: i jsut realized matt isnt playing? lol

ummm my teams registered for mvc and i should be in singles according to hidey


Sauga and the rest of toronto are pretty respectable so if you guys could please be respectable towards heroes world and the people involved it would be great…

troll me all you want however jon and hidey are working together to help the bigger picture… lots and lots of water followed by shaking

I know it’s a bit late, but Christine White wants to get out of casuals.
Is it alright if he still comes to spectate, though?

Never mind, he isn’t even coming now.

Thanks Brofisto, I’ll remove him from the list.

something came up last minute. cant come.

Good stuff today, other than me ending up with no MvC3 team.

I’m so bad in mvc3

Thanks everyone for coming out to the tournament today, hope you had fun!

We will be posting all results, a total of the funds raised and of course, shoutouts in the following thread:


This thread can be closed.