I’m guessing its to balance out the plausible brokeness of the Gold armor form. his moves have so many different and awesome properties that quasi infinites and 100%s wont be too hard to find i that form. so father than nerfing it, you just make it have a time limit and make it risky to NOT kill with.
Man, super armor or not, that Goddess Bracelet move did a ton of damage. In his character trailer he could jump around while throwing it and it seemed to do more hits… Somethings telling me that Capcom is giving him a ‘mash buttons during special/hyper X’ to do more damage kind of thing. You know, to give him a feel closer to his roots. I like it alot lol.
Not as much Arthur as I would like but anyhow…
Arthur looks mad broken, except he seems to have low health judging from the most recent video where Spiderman takes off like half his life with an air combo. But besides that, this character looks MAD AWESOME. Top tier zoning easily, good range, small target, can combo into all his Hypers including his level 3 easily.
I’ve got a feeling tha’s what it is too
I would assume there HAS to be some sort of stat difference between the 3 different “forms” of Arthur, since they’re making you spend a meter to get back into the default silver armor. You notice how quickly the player (or whatever) got back into it when he became armor-less? I think he’ll have a defense drop after the gold armor form. Sorry for not knowing the specific names, Arthur fans, I never played the games as a kid.
Given how solid this character is in everything that matters, it seems logical to me that naked Arthur probably has retardedly low life (although his life in normal armor already seems quite low). Besides, it would fit his character from the GnG universe. One hell of a badass who can’t take very many hits.
Besides the aforementioned life issue (and slightly low damage?), this character looks top tier to me.
If they’re actually trying to emulate the real game, Silver and naked will have the same weapons, but silver will have more defense… Gold gets the superweapons, maybe even more defense.
If they’re going to make a stage for him. What do you think it would be?
I’m thinking that it would have ghosts. And goblins. Probably some ghouls too.
Arthur looks to have funniest playstyle from nycc comicon. Wasn’t expecting to like him.
this MUST be the broken character seth was talking about when he said the developers found a clever way to balance him out.
Also, I dont understand why he had to be made into a chibi form, they could have made him a bit taller/bigger. But whatever…
When you get down to bra and panties switch out then DHC power up back in when you build meter.
He’s pretty hype.I hope we get to see his sun and moon shield somewhere (unless I miss it). It can help him take some hits or something.
I’m not 100% sure about this but I believe he mentioned that that particular character was a Marvel one.
Yeah I’m pretty sure it was a Marvel character.
We thought it was MODOK, Seth said no apparently, and it’s a Marvel character, yes.
what? Arthur’s always been short. Are you one of those “OMG Megaman and Viewtiful Joe have to be tall and macho or else they’re not cool!!! >:()” kinda people? ew.
Don’t call it a comeback, it’s been here forever.
This is actually one of the biggest things that pulled me into MvC2. Basically all the characters play exactly how you would imagine them to, with moves that faithfully represent their mutant powers/abilities from he games they star in. For example, the animations and moves for so much of Strider are straight from his game. If you aren’t familiar with it, search youtube for footage of his game and you’ll recognize a lot of MvC2 moves.
They are doing this really well in MvC3 too. Amaterasu, Arthur, and Dante all looked like they were ripped straight from their games.
It HAS to be this [media=youtube]Kk1hGq-PKR0[/media] (or any 1st stage in the series, but my fav G&G had always been the arcade Ghouls & Ghosts)
Also, they need to add the “NICE CATCH” when he grabs the key
nah not really, Im cool with Joe and MM, but if you look at the Arthur assist from MVC1, he is alot talle relatively speaking. I guess i just wasnt expecting him to be THAT small. Small yes, but not as small as that.