You know you're playing against a n00b if

You know you’re playing against a n00b if…

… he creates a “you know you’re playing against a n00b if” thread without realizing that he himself is a n00b.

  1. nappyNIGHTMARES for using a lag-switch to win his matches!
  2. When you are playing Noriega!
  3. When a Guile player turtles so hard in 3 rounds and then posts it on Youtube if the opponent quits. (Irrepressible Guile) LOL SORRY!!

By irrepressiblegui at 2010-02-08

If I beat them

you angry? is this small time beef with a fellow gamer?

ahh me old friend milo is obsessing over me again…milo loves me really and he’d make a good tramp if he smartened himself up a bit.