You know what, I'm really pissed. Capcom can eat a d***

You take your opinions too seriously for someone taking such a high moral ground. STFU NOOB

I’m disappointed in you Dander. :confused: Look at the kind of attention you’re drawing.

Get over it. 90% of everywhere outside Japan plays Ken.

I don’t really see what is wrong with his opinion. I’ve been a long time 3S player, I’ve been playing it in one form or another since the DC launch. That being said, I’m not going to sit here and pretend that certain balance issues don’t still bother me. Ken and Chun will always be a part of 3S and I can accept that, but it doesn’t mean that myself or people like myself are somehow incompetent at 3S just due to feeling that way. That’s the reason I play Alex, not because I’m a low tier hero or feel the need to be a “low tier representative”, I play Alex because he is a fucking boss and I like the character. He could be dirt tier and I would still play him.

RyuReiatsu has a valid opinion, and I’ve stated my opinions and supported them as best as I could. So take from it what you will.

Oh and btw, Gears 3 is incredible. The best Gears of War experience to date.

Oh, the ‘STFU NOOB’ line finally comes, I’ve been waiting for it. I believe that you take yourself too seriously for being better than me at video games :(.

You know, I had a feeling he was another one of them I.E. An Alex player.

I’ve never seen Dander take anything seriously. But I guess you’re kinda new so you didn’t know that. You’ll learn how these forums work, sooner or later.

Are you referring to me? If you had been paying attention, you could have realized that much sooner. You had a feeling? I would have a feeling too if I knew how to read. Clear the way people, we have a child prodigy on our hands.

The nice people at the clinic told me I’m making great progress…still sometimes it’s hard ya know. Sometimes I get those dark urges looks at Womble.

Why would I pay attention to your posts 0_o

Real talk though, every Alex player I’ve spoke to has, atleast in my opinion, this really annoying attention seeking attitude. I’m not sure what it is that attracts these people to Alex :confused:

Every Necro player I’ve ever spoken to seems to have stretchy arms and shoots electricity out of his ass. Why is this? Where am I, where is my medicine?

Every Yang play I know is 12 feet tall and has 100 eyeballs and is constantly pooping ice cream. Hank is awesome.

Almost everyone I encounter on SRK is some retarded 14 year old who posts on 4chan.

Im a 10

Every Elena player I’ve ever spoken to is online.

Seriously, this is what we get infractions for these days? That’s why I have like 3 accounts banned in 4 months including my 4 year old account.

SRK: No real talk allowed.