Yang Q&A: Ask simple questions here!

Yang’s U1 > every other ultra imo.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but can’t Yang do trade>ultra with his s.mk? If so, that’s pretty rad.

If you look at the videos when Justin Wong was playing as Yang then yes its pretty sick.

I would also like to note that Mago mentions about his standing far jab and standing close jab, he says that its going to be good in this game because if your opponent guards it or gets hit by it, you have the advantage.

I’m assuming most of you guys have read this but if you haven’t, please take a look at it.

the the post i was reffering to has been deleted and moved to another section, LOL!

I played a little Yang today at Avion, took him into “Beginner Mode” lol and tested out a couple of things although to be honest I don’t really know the character at all here’s what I found (forgive me if it isn’t useful I was poking in the dark):

He is going to have a lot of trouble getting in on people, the range on his c.mk is poor but at least it is quite quick.

s.mk (his launcher) combos after command throw, could be fun.

Dive kick mix ups on peoples wake up will be a source of much frustration, the 3 different angles available can result in some extremely ambiguous setups.

hk command dash goes almost full screen(!?), EX command dash might I repeat might track to exactly behind the opponent, need to test more.

Ask questions if you like but I’m gonna need a lot more time with him I think. What was his best anti-air in 3rd Strike because none of his normals in this seemed particularly effective.

his mantis slashes, whilst not as good as fei longs for poking will be good for getting in on ppl i should imagine. yang has a good ground game so i would expect his normals and pokes to be atleast average, its yun who is gonna struggle on the ground and with footsies, he will be in the air alot more than his brother yang

Oh, I see.

I wonder which top players are going to make the switch to yang after playing him? Seems like he is getting a lot of attention.

goddamn!! 10+ on hit is sexy.

I’d like to see how much damage and stun a cr.mk HP slashesx2 FADC cr.mk EX slashes would do

My old 3s main.

I haven’t been keeping up with SSF4 because that game hasn’t been interesting me in the least, but it is good to see that he is turning out to be a pretty decent character.

so will you try it now that yang is in lol?

cr.mk HP slashes fadc s.HP EX slashes would do more damage if you’ve got +10. Maybe c.mk HP slashes FADC s.hp HP slashes FADC s.hp HP slashes would be fun too.

So why exactly are people favoring Yang over Yun in these preliminary stages of the game?

Well, from what I can tell, Yang has a more solid ground game. That’s probably the big difference maker.

Is it to early to ask if this will work on all characters? Character dependent in 3s.

I’m 98% sure that it works on everyone in AE.

Why not lol. Now I can really have some fun.

Ground game seems to be really good. Safe special(Lp mantish slash 1st hit, HP mantis slash 2nd hit), easy ultras, some solid anti-airs. He seems to be generally a lot safer than his brother, with more ground options. As an aside tbh I always saw him as the more well rounded character even dating back to 3s days, so with the new system comes to no surprise that based on preliminary reports people are favoring Yang as the better of the two.

How much health does he have?

wasn’t yang actually better than yun in 3S until the discovery or genei jin?