WWL Season 2... Back and better than ever Baby!

Hey silver unfortunately i wont be able to make it tonight so if somebody could take my spot that would be great. Sorry for inconvience, i know this will be a great event

I just got my ass kicked by real life, I’m stuck working late tonight so I’ll have to stay on the bench for this one.

I’m in with Sagat.

The tournament has been finalized for this week and it is locked, I can no longer make further edits. But please do check the website soon as I plan on fully updating the calendar to reflect a larger segment of upcoming events.

Also make sure to register on the website. Thank you.

yep same for me…i just got lucky that i even have today off to participate…guess i will just have fun with this last one. theres no way for me to attend anything on weekdays before 8pm PST.

The WWL chatzy chatroom seems to have vanished, Silver Rain can you give a url to a working one?

Also WTF my laptop seems to have exploded just now, this may prevent me from recording matches…

Edit: Never mind, this one works: http://www.chatzy.com/184279425759

10 Peep limit on that chat room. I can’t get in. So the bracket has changed? I am playing DJI SRK first correct?

edit: finally got in

Congrats to GeneiJin87 for winning the first tournament of the season!

I’m uploading the matches I have from tonight to the WWL Youtube channel as usual.

My personal favorite: [media=youtube]K5iNBoSI03E[/media]

Great job to everyone last night. We will have to bracket uploaded soon. Great job, also keep a look out on the calendar on the website!

Congrats to GJ87. Is there a better Balrog than Genei other than Afro at the moment? Serious question.

Thanks! But in all honesty there are a number of Balrog players that are better than me; like 123CORKSCRUBLO and bhop85 to name a few. Plus a lot of the things that I do online, even I call bs on and probably wouldn’t fly offline. Still, I do appreciate the compliment.

I think this was a pretty successful event to kick start season 2, and it’s all thanks to Silver Rain 007 who organized/will continue to organize it, Thelo for assisting with the video capture (and color commentary while spectating, lol), and the people who’ve signed up and participated and will continue to participate in future events.

bhop? He’s an excellent Balrog but I don’t fear his skill as much as yours (not entirely sure but I might even be leading in W’s against him, we rarely play). Maybe he just doesn’t play the Cammy matchup as well. Speaking of Balrog’s, you guys ever play Ginotes? I don’t know where he came from but he’s crazy. Also stealthysocks is unbelievable.

I’ve played Ginotes frequently a long time ago. I don’t recall if he used Balrog then, but he had troubles against my Dhalsim. I fought him a few times recently using Bison but he played Hawk against me. As for stealthysocks, I’ve only had the chance to play him a couple of times months ago – I think he won those encounters too.

Congrats GeneiJin!!

I wish I would have done better and played more…maybe next time.

Thanks Silver Rain for setting this up. Can’t wait till the next one.

The matches I recorded have been uploaded as well:





Best Cammy / Honda matchup… I took that one to the very last wire… I HAD IT IN THE BAG AND BLEW IT! I really think I surprised Alex with some of my new stuff… But I got too into my ‘new’ stuff and didn’t execute at the end… Good match!

BTW: At around 4:35… just too funny Alex… just too funny!

Yeah that Cammy / Honda was pretty exciting!

Some reminder suggestions for the next one:

  • Get a chatroom that supports over 10 people. Either get Chatzy premium or use a Talkinator one, or maybe even an IRC webchat like Mibbit (though then you won’t have the benefit of backlogs).

  • Have some way for the common folk to see the bracket live as it gets updated. Not strictly necessary but it would be a huge plus.

  • Perhaps send a reminder PM and/or email and/or/ XBL message to the entrants a few hours before the tourney, to minimize drops? For instance Super1NYC apparently just forgot about it that evening, a reminder message would probably have avoided his drop.

:lol: @ alex6x6x6

I just now saw that match v. Cammy.

I’ve taken up your suggestion and I’ve created a #WWL chat on IRC. The channel is registered and everything; it supports “unlimited” guests (or so it says for the basic package anyway) with advertising on the side (although I don’t see any ads? Could be because of adblock). The chat link on the site menu has been changed to reflect this change, just enter your name and click Connect.

I’m not familiar with Tonamento, but if there is a link we could hook up to for live updates as Silver Rain punches in the data, it could be placed with the chat and in the matches page.

As for reminders, up to Silver Rain to decide. As far as common courtesy and professionalism goes, he should send a reminder. But at the same time it should be the responsibility of the participant to remember to show up, especially if they’ve taken the time to register and check the brackets. I placed the instructions of what time the matches start and to report to the chat room beforehand as the first thing in the brackets page, but I guess some people didn’t notice it. Next time I’ll make it size 100 font and in blaring red.