Hey thanks for the games and the PCB ^^ Came here a while ago but work and such caught up to me.
What color Sanwa OBSC’s are you looking for?
Two model kits added. Digging around, may post up some extra stuff soon.
Thread resurrection. I just bought one each of seimitsu and sanwa clear 24/30mm to test them out first. If I decide to get OBSC’s and you still have them I’ll hit you up.
PM’ed mang
Added some tech, an HD Waterproof Camera, an old-school GBP (won’t power on), and an older Blackberry (tactile keyboard, fully functioning), and an iPhone 3G (fully functioning, minor scuffs), and lastly a 3rd Gen iPod Nano (fully functioning, minor scuffs on the rear plate).
Added, pics for the superior tech, PLEASE forgive the photos being oddly rotated. I took the photos with my iPhone and I’m using a PC to upload them so they have this metadata conflict which makes the photos spiral out of control. I’m working on it.
Sinanju is pending.
Pm sent
PM sent
Bump for items added & updates.
PM’d on Super Messiah
I’d like MGS VR.
PM me your paypal?
Switched some items around and changed some prices, help fund my arcade cabinet project!
FIRE SALE, price drops across the board.
You got a message.
I forgot to post in here earlier, but you’ve got a PM.
Damn, I’d be on that 30GB video if you could fix it up.
PM’s replied to and items sold and shipped.
I could totally fix the insides no problem, I have complete and utter arrogance in that regard but I just don’t trust myself not to damage the shell while opening it. Even so I would still sell it after fixing it since someone else would surely use it more than I have time for.
Do you.still have the dock insert, too?