WOMEN OF WALMART: When You're Evicted From the Trailer For Cooking Meth Edition


A backpack, Some soiled gym clothes…a spray bottle full of fungal cultures and BAM!
You’re a walking mushroom farm.

What I want to know is where she got that PURSE that can contain fire and noxious fumes from! That’s the most amazing thing about this article.

Makes me glad Brooklyn basically told Walmart to fuck off.

:rofl: If a man must carry a purse, it should be that one. “Introducing The MAN-BAG. It’s tough enough to carry ALL your stuff!!” Shit better have an Adamantium Zipper on it is what I’m sayin…


Better her purse than her puss.

Smuggling live nukes in my alpha-male purse. :rofl:

Yes, because we like paying $10 for something worth $2 at Walmart.

I do! Elite city status!

I for one will welcome our new overlords

Implying Wal-mart is responsible for people not knowing that a final redox reaction in Methamphetamine manufacturing is volatile.
Implying Wal-mart is responsible for the general stupidity of your fellow citizens.

speaking of meth, reminds me of this place i called “the house”. in a peaceful suburb with mostly jews, various friends of mine have lived there at “the house” over the last decade. well the “good” people move out and more and more questionable people moved in. they’d do shit like black tar heroin which is when you smoke it instead of injecting it (no risk of HIVS i guess). the “good” people would have to tell the bad people to cut that shit out and pay rent. well as all the good people left, i predicted the place would implode in a few months. well one month later they all got evicted. they had stockpiled a ton of weapons there, there was dog shit everywhere, and they were running a meth lab. they had also installed a stripper pole in teh kitchen.

moral of the story drugs r bad mmkay

Implying Walmart is a magnet for idiots. Here’s how you can tell:

Wal-mart became Walmart.

Because their patrons couldn’t figure out how to pronounced the dash.

Believe me. It’s not worth it. :tup:

Implying that walmart can kiss my grits.

^This + your av = post of the thread to me. I always thought they dropped the hypen because it would save money…and nobody ever uses it anyway.


Those random Walmart pictures on other sites are funny as hell and it’s all true

EDIT: DAMN! (Ron Simmon’s voice), I got trolled by a bot. Thought this was a new thread…

“However the danger started once the little princess exited the woman’s collection during the day.”

Sounds like another day in the life of @Raz0r‌