It was good episode, I’ve enjoyed everything this season so far. Won’t spoil anything but I will say that Toad’s VA is fucking terrible lol. For some reason it comes off as extreme overacting especially compared to the more realistic and mature sounding characters around him. It would be like bugs bunny in the dark knight…not really appropriate for the show.
Are they trying the me toad sound like the evo toad?
Just watched the first 6 episodes of the series.
I’m a huge fan of the original x-men animated series that ran in the 90’s. The designs and teenage’ery’ [sic?] of Evolutions turned me off big time. The designs in this I found pretty bad, but the animation is so fluid that I have to keep watching.
Is this airing in the states already?
Just saw up to episode 8. Check it out on youtube.
The show doesn’t air in the U.S. till next year when the Wolverine:Origins movie comes out.
I thought this episode was pretty solid though i was expecting Psylocke to go ninja on everyone with the Psy-blades instead of just an outright Psychic battle against Emma. Would’ve also been cool to see Quicksilver get ran through by Wolverine’s claws.
Is it on youtube? I can’t find it.
I just hate toad’s voice…it doesnt fit in at all and sounds really out of place. A bad case of overacting, oh and betsy should have showed some MA in that episode…ah well.
No, he sounds nothing like evo Toad.
Evo Toad: tough-talking wigger. Deeper, normal/realistic-sounding voice.
WATXM Toad: Combination of Tweak from South Park and Shaggy from Scooby Doo. Sounds like some dork who works at an F.Y.E. or something.
Psylocke is on their side? :S
Fuck…he just ruins all the scenes doesn’t he. This new episode was great…love the battle agaisnt the sents. The one thing I hate is Forges "noob/tom green"personality and appearance…how many dorky overacting kid types can one show have. Oh bishop was the shits by the way:woot:
Episode 9 is now floating around the interwebz.
Special Guests for Episode 9
Marrow AKA FEEL MY PAIN!!! and Bishop.
And the truth about what’s really good with the Professor is all here.[/details]
Episode was good and I loved seeing one of my favorite X-Men. Even though the FOX Kids version is still hella better.
Fox Kids version was good up till they changed up the animation and it looked like ass.
I wish they’d do an animated feature of the Ultimate Hulk vs. Wolverine. That would be badass…thought not safe for kid viewing…
And Wolverine sounds like Snake…instead of feral animal like the 90s X-Men cartoon.
I still think the original VA for logan was the shits…oh and is anyone else really getting annoyed by the general wolverine wanking in this series. I can see why there is such a open hatred agaisnt him now from the comic community…bishop was the shits this time around though. On that note, during the whole battle agaisnt the sents…why didny all the mutants just direct there blast towards bishop so he could absorb the energy and fire a immense concussive blast to completly level the master mold complex lol. Sounds much better then going into hiding if u ask me…
Too true. I enjoyed it, also. Except for the Calisto episode that they had on Fox’s Prime Time Friday that one week to coincide with a Power Rangers ep. At first, I thought they’d be hardcore since those two shows were on so late. Sadly, they were not. That was probably during the mid 90s era. You knew it’d be over after the animation got shot.
Thought Psychlocke would have been the kunoichi we all knew and loved in that episode. Why does Japan make American content cooler?
Didn’t see this ep yet…maybe they changed his power for this series?
Mutant: Everybody! Shoot Bishop! Bishop, concentrate our power on the sentinels!
Bishop: Hey, wait! My power doesn’t work like that, you’re thinking of THIS Earth’s Bish-!!
dies under multiple energy projectiles
Mutant: Man, wtf?! Quit fakin’ and re-direct that shit, yo!
Xavier: over communicator How are things going? I noticed you’re all in the same area, and Sentinels are advancing on you…is this part of your plan?
Mutant: Yep. We’re pumping shots into Bishop so he can return what he’s getting, ten-fold. He’s laying down, but he ain’t screamin’ no more, so I think he got used to it, and is storing up to release it all.
Xavier: Uhhh…THIS Bishop is from an alternate Earth. His power is to project energy blasts from his OWN stored kinetic energy, not from outside sources. You may have noticed him tapping his chin, or patting his thighs while sitting.
Mutant: Yeah, I saw him stomping one foot while he was shooting down sentinels 10 minutes ago…I just though he had to pee real bad. You goin’ somewhere with thi-…uh…We killed him, didn’t we?
Mutant: Aw, man!! What’re we gonna do NOW It’s game over, man! Game over!
Nah, seems like the alternate universe X-men have similar powersets to 616 universe. In the episope, bishops main offense was absorbing the conductive energy from the sents blast and hitting them back with concussive blast like in the old scholl 90s They should have all focused there firepower at him.
Thats Hilarious, lol. Isn’t there a limit on how much can he absorb?
I like how there are 2 fights going on at the same time, enjoying this series so far. Just caught up to episode 10, Nightcrawler ftw.
Did Magneto stay in a place made entirely of metal in the comics? I mean no one can mess with him on his own turf?
It takes FOREVER for them to put up these episodes. Ugh.