Wolverine and the X-Men Thread (now airing in Canada and South America)

I’m really enjoying the series so far, awesome episode. Emma needs to be more naked IMO, White Queen style.

Cyke is a lot more badass in the comics BTW.

Honestly when i started back up in reading X-men comics, Deadly Genesis was the point where he started to get some backbone. I mean he cussed Xavier out and kicked him out the mansion and started asserting himself more. Messiah Complex was really his shining point.

…and don’t forget Whedon’s run on Astonishing X-Men.

Ep 3 wasn’t too bad. I honesty think this series will outshine evolution.

Damn it I missed episode three. (The one in this link got taken down) Does anyone have any streaming links for it ? Like MegaVideo or youtube ?

By the way, this is a great site for Wolverine related information: http://www.typingmonkeys.com/wolverine/

It has the news on Old Man Logan and X-Force

Mariko and Logan

I loved the third episode. I got to see it on Megavideo before it was taken down. Damn, this is a great year for us Wolverine fans, I’m loving this series so much. Check out this crazy Mariko and Logan fan art I found :

Any word on when the next episode is coming out ? It usually leaks onto the internet on the weekends right ?

Yup its out by Sunday/Monday.

http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7WCHFWTA -Episode 4 (English)


Thanks for the link, I missed it tonight because my satellite was out ><!

A lot of Emma in this latest episode. Even got to see her diamond form. Overall an okay episode, but they have got to stop making the x-men look like bitches. Iceman getting knocked out in his ice form? GTFO with that shit.

icemans always been a bitch in the animated and movie stuff.


Any streaming stuff out yet ? I’m checking youtube and megavideo constantly for someone to upload it up.

I don’t trust this: every time “Xavier” is speaking, Emma’s nearby…she’s yanking them around, imo.

Classic Emma, which is good. I’m hoping we get some Hellfire Club stuff goin on.

why the the hell was storm abusing her powers like that ?

didn’t like that one bit

Nice to see familiar villains from the 90’s xmen cartoon/comics.

I wouldn’t say abusing her powers. She was using her mutant ability to help the people out and they were showing there gratitude back. Hell, it seemed like the people WANTED her to help out in the first place.

I’m kind of liking the series. I’m not too fond of the character designs though. Iceman, Shadow King, and some others look pretty goofy.

Episode 5 is out. Finally we get to see some Gambit goodness and it was good.

the show


introduced the mutant collars again. Its pretty interesting that Forge is the one that makes it though. I was expecting Trask to be the one to do it.

also spoiler for future episodes



Apparently Jean isn’t dead and comes back near the end of the season as Pheonix