Wolverine and the X-Men Thread (now airing in Canada and South America)

Someone please find me a link.

Youtube sucks. :shake:

I honestly feel comics have deep stories and should be taken seriously. The new spidey cartoon really lacks in detail. The 90s xmen cartoon looked amazing. As well as the 90s spidey. The new batman,spiderman look too childish and lack detail. The best way to describe it, it’s like they don’t try anymore animation wise. I wonder if they don’t have as much financial backing as before.

I can’t stand justice league with the whole big torso and small legs. DC animation has always followed that routine. Bring those 90’s artists back.


You’re an idiot.

Lacking detail =/= lacking in animation. With a name like ‘Otaku Anime Gamer’, one would think that you knew a thing or two.

Spec. Spiderman is one of the most highly animated cartoons ever dude. There is soooo much fluidity to the movements in all the characters, not just Spider, but all his foes (who can forget Tombstone rushing Spiderman’s shit in for the first time, or the Green Goblin fight in the factory?) and the regular joes.

I do agree that it lacks detail. That’s obvious. Everything looks pauses cartoony. I guess that’s just what’s in right now but the show isn’t worse for it. Not at fucking all. The old 90s stuff just looks better in stills. All more accurate to the comics. Once things get animated though none of them can hold a candle to Spec. Spiderman. Plus, the little details in Spec. Spider aren’t the lines on people’s faces but in the characters and small touches that are done in the world that they inhabit. Remember that.

It’s best, honestly, to do what is best for the medium. If Spec Spiderman animates better because less time is spent on drawing the individual hairs on J.J.'s mustache then fine. I’m here, we’re here, to watch something move. Comics are about looking at still pictures. Detail is a must then since it’s wholly visual. There are no sounds or movements for us to follow.

Logan was Canadian…

I just watched the first episode and I really enjoyed it. I hope that they steer more towards the seek and destroy side rather than being too sensitive, like the Xmen cartoons during the mid 90s opposed to the 21st century.

Xmen unite.

X-Force, New Avengers, etc

He was also the leader of the X-Men during the “Fall of the Mutants” saga: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fall_of_the_Mutants

Logan chooses not to lead the team. It’s not because he doesn’t make a good leader. Because Cyclops, Storm, and various other important X-Men either look up to him or respect him enough to take care of the team. When Storm goes away with Forge, she practically forces him to lead the X-Men while she is gone. And Logan does a excellent job of taking care of the X-Men during that time.

He was also one of the teachers during Grant Morrison’s saga. (Just like in the X-Men Evolution cartoon.) And in the original Chris Claremont comics he taught various X-Men hand to hand combat. (He taught Storm how to use firearms, which she puts to use when she loses her mutant powers.) Lots of other X-Men reference Logan as their teacher and mentor on more then one occasion.

Possibly one of the reasons he declines often is because of the people who have manipulated him in the past. (Weapon X, Romulus, and various other evil masterminds.) If anything Logan probably doesn’t trust himself, so he rather choose someone else to take over the team. But when push does come to shove, Logan has enough experience and leadership qualities to lead a team of super heroes to victory. (Even Tony Stark wants him on the team, that says a lot.)

X-Force is the super hero version of 300. :lovin:

Heads up Ep. 2 has been leaked…

Oh hell yeah. I am finally going to see this episode , I’m so freaking happy:


I personally disagree with that statement. Back in the old days Spider Man use to pop up everywhere too. I remember when he was part of the original Avengers (And so was Beast from the X-Men) Spider Man had a bunch of different titles. (Spectacular, Amazing, Web of Spider Man, Unlimited, etc) It was a huge pain, but this happened because he was a popular character. Well the same happened to Wolverine and it’s made him more of a main character in the marvel universe.

He’s became a major player in the important saga’s like “House of M” and “Civil War”. He’s now with the main characters like Captain America and Spider Man, as seen in the Marvel Ultimate Alliance video games. This is really cool for a Wolverine fan like me, but it’s not like the other mutants didn’t have their own solo series. Characters like Gambit, Rogue, and even Nightcrawler were given their own solo issues, but they were never popular enough to reach a monthly ongoing series.

I don’t recall Logan having a role in any of the arcs of Brubaker’s Cap series…

The reason I <3 the internet. A long time ago you would’ve exercised patience but now you just wait for leaks and watch at your leisure. And there was no chance in hell I would wait till January to watch this shit. Now bring me Emma Frost.

Old Man Logan

Sorry. I meant that he was now appearing alongside Cap’s side more often. I didn’t mean he was in Cap’s solo series and stuff like that.

I did enjoy the 2nd episode of the cartoon. For some more reasons why I like Wolverine so much , check out this nifty link right here :

yeah episode 2 was pretty good. Seeing the brotherhood in action was nice especially seeing Domino.

Best line though was:

“Your son’s a mutant. Deal with it”

send a link to me please


Fucking French. :bluu:

…or Italian.

…or possibly Spanish…


Whatever, it’s not the GOOD language.

I’ll prob just wait till january to watch it, i’d rather watch.

Portuguese. Dialogue is different, too. In the danger room when Colossus was snatched by the magnet he says “Whoah…that’s new”, instead of “That’s not good”. Kurt says thank you (“Danke schien!”) to Kitty after their exchange about why he doesn’t rescue her from the tentacle she got snatched by. I thnk she insulted him, and he mistook it for a compliment.

The series is looking very good. My expectations are starting to grow with every episode.

Ep. 2 was OK, but man did I fall asleep seeing Logan destroy that robot XD.
Truth be told I didn’t like the robot scene, how it malfunctioned felt pretty cliche.
…and Kitty’s hair style is horrible.

the show is ok but not great. Its like they don’t basic common sense or anything. They wouldn’t know what to do, feel, or go till ‘Captain Obvious’ comes down and beat some sense into them. This series will probably start to get better near the end of the season.

Ep. 3 is out.