WINTER SUPREMACY! - Fremont, CA - Jan. 28th (SSF4:AE & UMvC3) +20 Visa Gift Cards + CvS2

I’ll see if I can make this. My Team NAH membership is strong as fuck though.


Wish I had saturdays off :confused:

Any chance of a kof tourney?

hey something local! im gonna try to make this on saturday. does anyone bring controllers to these things or is it sticks only?

AAAAhhhhhh shit is right. Old to New school CVS2 and UMVC3 … bnb all day

Hi so is there any way to tell when this tourney is going to end.

Tbh, most tournaments end whenever it ends. this tournament normally ends around 8-9pm

i hope before 7pm 2 hour drive to work right after lmao

oo. well hopefully we end then. btw are there going to be setups for casuals and is it okay if I bring a setup for umvc3 casuals

wheres da kofxiii???

:lol: Yes there will be casuals. Please you bring your set-up. :cool:

:lol: don’t mind doing Kof but people need to bring set-ups or at least 360’s with the game. :cool:

:lol: as far as the time the tourny ends varies on the tournies themselves. But we need to be done by 9pm regardless but most likely tourny will end around 7-8pm but can’t make any promises. :cool:

:lol: Can someone bring another 360 with SSF4:AE v 2012 and or Ultimate Marvel 3. one of our 360’s went out :frowning:

Shout outs to the Freemont crew that put all this together. It was fun to see some familiar faces. Hope to see some of you at the Norcal Downtown Throwdown.

:lol: Thanks everyone that came out and especially everyone that helped out. :cool:

Ultimate MvC3:
[RIGHT]Supreme Champion:[/RIGHT]

[RIGHT]Worthy Adversary:[/RIGHT]
[RIGHT]Maybe Next Time:[/RIGHT]

[LEFT]Hi Im Nasty[/LEFT]
[RIGHT]4th place:[/RIGHT]
[RIGHT]5th place tie:[/RIGHT]
[RIGHT]7th place tie:[/RIGHT]
[LEFT]Negus Eyoel[/LEFT]
[RIGHT]9th place tie:[/RIGHT]
[LEFT]Eraldo Coil[/LEFT]
[RIGHT]13th place tie:[/RIGHT]
[LEFT]Element Sameer[/LEFT]
[RIGHT]17th place tie:[/RIGHT]
[RIGHT]25th place tie:[/RIGHT]
[LEFT]Malcom Baley[/LEFT]
[RIGHT]33rd place tie:[/RIGHT]
[LEFT]Jerome Sephers[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Mr. God Like[/LEFT]

SSF4:AE v. 2012:

[RIGHT]Supreme Champion:[/RIGHT]

[RIGHT]Worthy Adversary:[/RIGHT]
[RIGHT]Maybe Next Time:[/RIGHT]

[RIGHT]4th place:[/RIGHT]
[RIGHT]5th place tie:[/RIGHT]
[RIGHT]7th place tie:[/RIGHT]
[LEFT]El Cubano Loco[/LEFT]
[RIGHT]9th place tie:[/RIGHT]
[LEFT]mike chow[/LEFT]
[RIGHT]13th place tie:[/RIGHT]
[LEFT]Eraldo Coil[/LEFT]
[RIGHT]17th place tie:[/RIGHT]
[LEFT]Clutch Hugs[/LEFT]
[LEFT]James Ingram[/LEFT]
[RIGHT]25th place tie:[/RIGHT]
[LEFT]jon flores[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Anthony C.[/LEFT]
[RIGHT]33rd place tie:[/RIGHT]
[LEFT]Steven T.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Mr. Bastos[/LEFT]
[LEFT]DJ Roomba[/LEFT]
[LEFT]WPB Dat Flipboy[/LEFT]

Was in the middle of a match. Didn’t get to say good-bye to ya Batman lol. Props to you and your crew for maintaining the event.


Godamnit Zero and Jill.

“Nerf Jill, buff Wesker”

And once again I have solidified my fraudulence in the fighting game community.

Heroes, Heralds & Frauds need to have more support.

shoutouts to sleazoid for running that.