Why u no ia tsurugi after a crossdown?

What happens if Ryu does a “reversal” chk ? is the 2nd dash over yet ?
Is it possible to do a f.mp instead of the 2nd dash to stay on the same side ?

i dont know if you’re far enough to avoid it (didnt test…but which ryu does this? LOL).


If I remember, f+MP doesnt allow you to stay on same side. You can stLK, or any crouching move (crHK is too funny btw. Makoto teleports).
But the fastest way to do it is simply staying crouched, then do crLP. Check at 4min37

Ok I understand. That makes sense.

Really vryu lol dash x3 Fukikusa lol. That is some SERIOUSLY advanced setup. However I can’t imagine any ryu above 5k Bp mashing out anything other than LP SRK in this situation. They won’t do HP due to no FADC. I think nobody uses MP cause its crap, and if they’re desperate enough to mash out EX then they deserve this lol. I just can’t think of when we’d use it given our other options.

It should also be stated that I think higher level Ryus mash more tatsu than DP since it armor breaks, is safer, and beats more of makotos options… I think delayed tatsu could beat ALL the options in this thread clean…

good ryu will do HP shoryuken (without 2 EX), because:

  1. it’s more invulnerable than LP shoryuken
  2. it’s the most damaging of any DP
  3. they know that whatever DP they whiff, they get full punish

People often thinks “ouaaah, I use LP DP because it’s not easy to punish dude!§§!” => lol.

And about the tatsu. Good luck delaying it when you dont know in which direction the inputs are. (and even, crMP will beat it (hitting before they leave ground).

Tatsumaki is only in the air after 7 frames if i read well. Also a tsurugi beats it easily, no ?

Are you within karakarakusa/oroshi/tsurugi range if the don’t srk?

I’d test it myself but my friend hosts a biweekly in red bank nj at yestercades and I let them use my Xbox

nope. crMP range.

yes of course.

I can see them doing HP if they dont’ have 2 bars to FADC. Counting on luck I suppose. The reason i think they would use LP is because of the nature of the situation, especialy if they’re not used to seeing it. You can’t tell how close Makoto is until its too late. Thinking that Makoto is closer would lead me to believe that they would do LP thinking it was less risky than it really is. I’m thinking that they’d do DP in the first place because they thought it would hit, but you’re right, some people just take a chance and do it.

I actually meant really delayed. More like have ryu watch what makoto does THEN do tatsu. It would beat Tsurugi, could catch yamase, would beat focus and a couple of other things not discussed yet. Still lose to c.MP though. actually, it would probably lose or whiff on any crouching attack. I’m just looking for an option that ryu has that is safe other than blocking so i can find a way to punish whatever it is lol.

Beyond that, i was wondering if makoto is in s.LK EX Karakusa range also. Probably in s.LK HK Karakusa range. I actually like the idea of focus baiting here too. Could probably get a counter hit off of Lv 1 or hold level 2~3 to punish DP for even more damage than Tsurugi, or c.MP alone (although its vulnerable to tatsu… but if vryu is correct, tatsu isn’t a viable option). I’d like to rank our options by practicality. Maybe we can compile a video here vryu style (like the Level 3 Hayate video showing options) so what we have so far:

FA3, backdash, dash, HP Fukiage, j. HP Reset (top of arc), dash x2 then:

cMP buffer
Yamase (on Non DP Characters maybe try to OS a trade U1 here?
Focus backdash
Focus L2~L3

Still haven’t got any comments on Post reset c.LK buffered EX Hayate OS EX Hayate/U2 to maybe counter hit extended hitboxes and punish backdashing (which happens a lot after reset). it would also beat all the usual suspects (Beats DP, beats tatsu, beats focus, beats backdash, could beat things like sweep or c.MK, whiffs otherwise).

Just brainstorming guys…

Maybe that going closer after the 2nd crossdown could be another option. HK feint/karahayate cancel/F.MP to be able to hard punish after this move, without touching the shoto while he is in the air. By the way it’s like the third dash that Vryu was talking about.
Howmany frames does a karahayate cancel take ? Is it faster than a dash ?

That’s kind of strange to consider that the next move after the 2nd crossdown is safe. Maybe a forward dashed focus could counter both chk and cmk hado (with a ex karakusa to deny the hadoken).

hayate cancel is 16F (like a dash)
f+LK kara hayate cancel is between 17 and 22F.

But here, you are only speaking about “if opponent does something”. A lot of time too, he tries to guard, so we have to find something quick enough to avoid shoryuken, beeing out of throw range/mash lights, AND beeing able to surprise him before he can put his guard.

Hayate cancel = ninja’d by vryu
Dash = ninja’d by vryu

and I’m not sure if going closer is necessary. If you can already punish with c.MP, Yamase, tsurugi, and possibly sLK Karakusa there’s no need i think.

This is exactly what i was thinking. need to test though…

FA dash EX fukikusa?

I think i was very lucky the day i recorded this. I can only make wiff the lp srk now, i dont wait enough time. I think it’s a pretty decent setup to provoke a masher. But the thing is that if you do something as makoto, you are not really safe. And if the opponent does nothing because he’s scared of what just happened, and you dont do anything either, you loose your reset effect.
It looks a little less risky than a normal reset, but you are more far, have less options but maybe gain some extra mindstun. Maybe it’s just better to wait as you were saying. Kind of risky for a no move okizeme.

just hit him lower to the ground after the jump. That should solve your problem

Is there a frame trap after your third dash?

What the hell was that at the end of the video with Yun’s cross up dive kick? I can’t quite make out the inputs (crappy PC). Was that a cancelled Karasura, Ultra?

It’s called armor cancel.

Some tsurugis are crossdown
some tsurugis are crossup
No matter if it’s safe
As long as it hits you :blush: