That is a really nice stick, I totally forgot about the L1/L2 buttons on a seperate area. RadicalDreamer even referenced it earlier too, my bad haha (shows how good my memory is xD)
I would rather have them and not need them then need them and not have them.But I will say those 6 button sticks do look pretty cool.
Other than me needing the the last 8 buttons for MK, I don’t see any purpose why we do need the 8 button lay-out.
<blockquote class=“UserQuote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/64093/geni">geni</a> wrote: <a href="/discussion/comment/8006725#Comment_8006725" class=“QuoteLink”><span class=“ArrowLink”>»</span></a></div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>only reason why I keep 8 button layout is because I like using my TE stick when I play MK9 and you need all 8 buttons to play that game</div>
Since when? The game can be played with 5 buttons and the official MK arcade stick reflects this.<br>
This may be slightly off topic, but since geni and now you, DonkeyBlonkey have mentioned needing 8 buttons for Mortal Kombat 9, may I ask what for? I’m just very curious since I’ve never heard of any fighting game that required 8, and I thought MK9 only required 6 at the most?
I think they assume the macros are their own inputs when they’re not.
That being said I’ve never played MK9 so I can’t be sure of that. Most games come with macros assigned though, since if you’re playing with a pad some combinations are near impossible to do at will.
A cursory glance leads me to believe MK9 is in fact a four button game.
MK is generally either a 5 or 6 button game. i think it was MK3 that the run button was introduced giving the game a 6th button.<div><br></div><div>As for turbo, I think its in sticks to justify some of the selling price of joysticks. Its a cheap thing to implement while making the user think that they are getting something of extra value</div>
8 button Vewlix layout works for people who like the straight 6 American style or for those who finds the stick and jab/short too close to each other. Otherwise, there is truly no need for 8 buttons other than the same excuse as why turbo comes with a stick. I also don’t see a problem with 8 button layouts aside from cosmetic appeal, don’t like it, go to button config and give the last two buttons no function.<br><br>Sticks for this generations’ consoles that come with 6 buttons on the face with accessible last two buttons placed somewhere else:<br>Hori Fighting Stick EX2, Hori Fighting Stick VX/V3, EXAR KOFXII/Sanwa Edition/USB PSB Arcade Stick & Sega Virtua Stick High Grade<br><br>Fortunately I just finished with my TE stick to my own personal preferences, <a href=“”>6 button Noir layout, no turbo and detectable cord</a>. I have my Sega VSHG as backup~ <br>
It occurred to me now that “orthodox” Arcade KoF players might want to use the top four buttons only, so a six-button layout with two lines of three buttons each wouldn’t work for them. :P<br>
If the extra buttons get in the way, aren’t button caps ~$2 each?
If 6 buttons not enough…take your drill.
<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/2514/ShinMagus">ShinMagus</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>It occurred to me now that “orthodox” Arcade KoF players might want to use the top four buttons only, so a six-button layout with two lines of three buttons each wouldn’t work for them. :P<br></div>
Some, if not most Neo Geo cabinets used a layout like this -<br><br>BCD<br>A<br><br><br><br>
ABC<div>D</div><div><br></div><div>works a lot better than that. A lot of people put the pointer finger on A and the thumb on D, because you have to seriously twist your wrist to put your pointer finger on the bottom-left button. So, put the least used button, D, under the thumb, which usually isn’t as responsive as your fingers.</div><div><br></div><div>That being said, I prefer ABCD all on the bottom row. There other games besides NEO GEO that work well with four buttons like that too, like BlazBlue.</div>
<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/18210/R-CADE%20Gaming">R-CADE Gaming</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>ABC<div>D</div><div><br></div></div>
That’s the layout I use for the Real Bout Fatal Fury games.<br><br>For Samurai Shodown and Last Blade I like the AES style ABCD layout.<br>
<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/2514/ShinMagus">ShinMagus</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>It occurred to me now that “orthodox” Arcade KoF players might want to use the top four buttons only, so a six-button layout with two lines of three buttons each wouldn’t work for them. :P<br></div>
<img src=“”><br>
Oh. :o<br>It seems I had the wrong idea then. :P<br>
Also, I should say that turbo doesn’t bother me either way. If you don’t want to use it, it won’t get in the way. I can’t say the same for that last set of buttons. Honestly, I’d love a four button stick just for Persona 4, but I can understand why companies wouldn’t bother with a four button stick, as it’s usefulness would be pretty limited. Plenty of games use only four buttons, but few are aligned as
like P4U. As Kyle shows above though, six buttons sticks can magically accomodate practically any layout, except of course for macros, which technically aren’t a part of the game and are never required.