I’ve certainly contributed more than a troll, with that “xbox tag”. What life do you have coming to the forum just to stir shit up? We have fun here, and we like communicating with each other. Still like I said, and you didn’t retort, your avatar explains perfectly why you think hdr sucks.
It lacks lol parry.
Hdr is different than ST true, but its not THAT different.
how can you ever talk trash anyways I remember playing you timeee ago and all you do is lose then run after like 2 games after you get beat down. don’t say it never happened cause I was using rog and you were vega.
I have played it, and its different, just not that different, some matchups changed, but alot of the retarded shit is still there, and now there is some new retarded shit. Like dictator getting a free out from fireball traps.
I’m not sure why this isn’t available in JPN, because it would definitely have a fanbase there, especially if it was given an argade release as well, to get the interest going. There are some amazing players over there, but personally speaking i can never get any decent games with them, the lag is just too much.
It really should be released on PC though. I hate the thought of it not being around after the XBOX 360 has bit the dust, because it’s easily my favourite street fighter game by far. A PC version would last a lot longer than the xbox version too.The xbox only has 3 years or so of life left in it, and there’ll be no chance of getting HDR on whatever replaces it.
I really wish i owned it on a disc and knew that i could still play it in ten years time on a PC if i wanted to.
I am no computer expert at all, but to get it on GGPO or 2D would it take a fullblown ps3 or xbox emulator to make it work, or is there a way around that since it’s based on the DC version?
There is no way around it. Not yet anyway. No one has managed to hack arcade titles on ether the PS3 or XB360. Capcom is pretty stupid here though. They made such a big deal about HDR and now they could care less about it (i.e. no future patch support or even considering releasing HDR in japan).
I mean really, if jap fighting game enthusiasts really hate playing on console versions so much, why not make an arcade version? You make a jap only AE arcade version and not HDR? Baffling.
Have they confirmed that they won’t be dropping any more patches? Have you got a link to a source for that? Because last i read on jimmy rey’s blog on capcom unity arounf the time of the firsat patch, they were not ruling out the possiblity of a second patch, they were just using the first XBOX live patch to fix the immediate bugs that were causing problems rather than address the obvious balance issues.
I can’t really see them spending any more money on HDR TBH, unless they are planning a JPN release, but it would be good to know for sure. There are loads of things i’d fix in HDR if i could but Akuma to be properly sorted out, a few of the major rebalance fckups addressed, and a few issues with training mode to be beefed up, and i’d be happy as a pig in sht…oh, and that stupid f*cking ken stage music that’s all over the menus needs to disappear, forever. It drives me crazy.
I really hope so, that’s the only way i can play a lot of my favourite games from back in the day now. The original consoles i owned them on have all bit the dust or been lost, stolen, or sold. Console makers should make back compatibility a much bigger concern than they currently do when releasing a new machine. It’s always an afterthought, and to me it really adds a lot of value to a new machine if i can play older games on it too.
the only way i see this appearing in japan at this point is if people from japan or if enough people in general petitioned capcom to release it there. or at least petition capcom to research if interest is enough to warrant a release. from my understanding, it seems not many in japan even know about this game? (not sure how that could be the case with the internet and all)… but it must be true since daigo never seemed to have heard or played the game prior to evo2009. i guess here’s a scenario
players here petition capcom to at least answer why the game hasnt been released in japan. if usa capcom can’t do anything, at least pressure them to talk to japan capcom about checking for interest in the game. someone has to get into contact with the top st payers in japan, let them know about this game and see if they would be interested in a japan release, and from there have them pressure capcom japan. usa players pressuring japan capcom would probably have little or zero effect on a release, but if their own people are clamoring for a release, i would think capcom would do something to meet demand. other than that, if someone was able to emulate the game on pc… only then might it spread