Yeah I’m thinking there’s really strange issues going on with something that are definitely abstract from what happens on PC GGPO or even 3S OE. I’ll most likely make a video to show what’s going on.
I need some help here, I know my ping is really crappy do to my location (Chile, South America) but I know my online experience shouldn’t be this bad, I use to play SSFIV and BBCS without the sluggish frame lag I have with SG.
Do to my League of Legends experience I know my ping to the US is about 150 which I believe is not that bad but whenever I try to find a match I get really high pings, like in the 250+ range which make things move really REALLY sluggish and SLOW, I even find this pings while searching South America only which should not be the case.
Of course, I did find 1 guy from my own country and play about 30 games with him with a flawless connection with a 30 ping, but not being able to play with anyone at a reasonable speed outside of my country really cripple my options for matchmaking.
I am doing something wrong?
GGPO and South America are kinda on bad terms. You will never have a good connection with the rest of world. On the PC GGPO client South America’s ping with my Norcal LAN connection is consistently in the 100-300+ range. GL
It makes me sick how the first page of this thread is just people posting speedtest results. and it took almost to the 2nd page to for someone to point out ping is more related to how packets travel rather than your connection speed. your connection speed DOES affect ping. but nowhere enough to justify doing speedtests if you’re on a broadband connection. Also, the ping you recieve from that would not be the same as the ping you get against people in game. The distance traveled to the other player (and xbl) is different from the distance packets travel to reach the speedtest server.
Anyway, for people having inconsistencies with GGPO and ping reporting and lag. I remember someone mentioned before the game came out that XBL sometimes misreports ping. But it’s still a better option to use than those cellphone bars. (and I agree). XBL misreporting pings may be why you have those perfect games with high ping or those crappy games with low ping.
GGPO BLOWS. The Kaillera Framework is better.
You just made me really really sad.
Ha kaillera. I remember those days. OH GOSH THAT SUCKED.
Although 4P vs series was fun to mess around with!
That’s fine but I’m starting to believe the problem is something that Mike Z had brought up where the Xbox version online literally suffers from slowdown issues. Which would mean online play is bogging down the hardware or something.
Something that the PS3 version apparently does not.
o rly?
Well… That’s consistently been the case for **GGPO from what I can tell. **There’s always a diamond in the rough but your best bet is to mess with the frame delay. 100-200 ping could be workable. May also suggest using the GGPO PC Client and getting a feel for the software. I think ppl would be less shocked if they did that.
I mainly played VS/Garou for kicks and hated the teleporting in VS. SG, insofar, is free of almost every GGPO bug I hate. Skullgirls is one of the best implementations of a netcode I have ever seen… ever. You should definitely keep trying for awhile.****
Yeah that’s why I know something GOOD is going on with this netcode because I’m not seeing teleports even in 100 pings with 0 delay. Which is atypical of normal GGPO that I remember playing on. You’re going to see a teleport somewhere unless that shit is like 30 to 50 ping.
Ugh. I had teleporting in numerous matches regardless of ping. Nothings worse than a character instantly appearing in front you with a wild barrage of lp’s for 60 seconds. That’s what half the VS matches are like… SFA3 looked pretty gdlk tho.
EDIT: It should be noted that GGPO (Final Burn cough) emulates each game with different levels of quality and that’s why 3S and VS had their issues. Maybe SG’s infrastructure and lack of ghetto emulation has something to do with the AWESOME online play.
You playing on PS3 or Xbox?
I’m really just trying to get to the bottom of this. The fact that I’m getting slower gameplay instead of teleports regardless of ping is weird shit.
PS3 Free internets ftw.
i live on Mexico, and all the conections i get are like +200 ping, sooometimes a 100 ping one XD and just one match that run FINE no lagg. in other games like mvc3 its pretty weird that i get a lagged match
btw my GT its NekoOmega if someone want to add me XD for practice, im still getting used to these game
**Here’s a quick link to a visual of where the slowdown is extremely apparent. ** watch?v=CBlumrolOPA#t=8m05s
This slowdown doesn’t occur offline much ever from what I’ve seen. At least not to that degree.
“Gay Game Punked Out” caters to the highest connection. So you can BUY ur way to victory. At least kaillera slowed the game to the slowest connection. Kaillera didn’t mask all the ghosting and lag that exists either. The game would just stop and re-sync. I would rather have that than be lied to throughout the game. It was good to see that the replays are as bullshit as ever too; not showing a skip or lag or even the slightest hiccup that this bullshit is mainly comprised of. GGPO is just LIES.
@Devil Jin…
I had slowdown occasionally but the rollback instantly corrected itself (It happens). Some noticeable input delay here and there. I dunno, your vid looked like good netplay to me.
From a video it would look alright minus the slowdowns but I was dropping basic bnbs (c.LK, 1st hit of c.MP, s.HP) with Painwheel over and over because of the slowdown and/or lag whatever it is. The direct link I have of the slowdown during the last 4 seconds of the second match was atrocious also. Definitely some buggy stuff going on.
PS3 owner here and its the same. I see no teleports/rollbacks even on yellow~red connections w 0 delay but the gamespeed slows down like underwater.
Whereas in ggpoPC, 3sOE and SFxT gamespeed would stay the consistant but start teleport/rollbacking.
I reported this behavior in the other netcode thread where Mike Z and Ponder replied.