Why fighting games suck

Still, this guy doesn’t understand video games

This is sad because I just came from back from a response to a MMO blogger saying that “fighting games have come and gone”.

This Xbox guy we’re looking at now is obviously trolling us to get some hits on his sh-ty blog, but it does seem other gaming industries are poorly informed on the success of the fighting game industry.

I think the only real response to this is to churn out more “Bang the Machine” type documentaries to enlighten people.

edit: No comment about this guy’s liking of Smash Bros.

Let 4chan loose on him.

I did the same as Yin, reporting it for poorly written content and psychologically damaging picture.

Just because I’ve been playing Street Fighter/fighting games since when having bout in the arcades was some more dynamic and straight forward because doing a fireballs flying uppercuts or multi flying kicks was a waste of time, and Ryu and Ken were just “the hippies of the white or red gi”… I won’t read that article:smile:

Don’t visit this link, or repost it.


Because I know that the pay base of the Examiner is determined by how many hits a particular piece gets. The more traffic brought in, the more money this jerk makes.

Douche is trolling for profit, and right now he’s making a goddamned killing.

Do you want this ignorant jerk to make money off of being an idiot? You don’t. So don’t patronize him. Stop visiting the site.

I’ve been into fighting games since Street Fighter II 1st came out. I love the games. I love the community. Personally are there problems with fighting games. Sure I can see one. The biggest problem is the learning curve keeps getting bigger.

Back in the day there were enough people into fighting games that you could go to the local arcade and learn Street Fighter II with a bunch of novices. Now were there people in there that could wow you by pulling off Zangief’s 360 piledriver from time to time? Yes, but not all the time.

As time went on the arcades are pretty much a thing of the past and nowadays most games are played online. This means most people who played and were a big fish in a small pond where they came from just got dumped into the ocean. This is all well and fine for the players that know what they are doing in fighting games, but what about the players that know nothing and want to be introduced to fighting games by playing someone? This is all well and fine in theory I am sure. Just have that person play single player until they aquire the skills to play online.

However looking at this how many people here got into fighting games by initially playing single player modes?

This is a major problem facing the fighting game community in my opinion cause the generation that started in the arcades are getting older and the new generation is going to have to be introduced to fighting games somehow. I find it hard to believe personally that a person who doesn’t know how to throw a single special move is going to enjoy going online and getting the crap kicked out of them faster then they can say “What Happened?”.

1st person shooters require you to run around and shoot to be able to actually kill someone. I can easily see some minor satisfaction a newbie would get by playing a 1st person shooter. Yes, I am sure they will be murdered a hundred time, but just by randomly spraying the screen with bullets you are bound to get a kill or two. To me this is something fighters cannot ever go back to having unless the pond somehow gets smaller again. Can you see a person who cannot throw a single special get a random win off of anybody?

The closest I have seen to a smaller pond is Smash Brothers. I have seen the younger generation latch onto this game pretty venomously. My 1st reaction was to despise this game, but looking back on it after all these years I have to say this is one of the few fighters that allowed the kids to learn fighters. I’m sure EO mode (ala CVS2) was spawned because of this (which I know everyone knows). The thing I never really took seriously was how necessary that an easy mode is to get the younger generation into fighters.

If things don’t improve somehow, in my opinion, once the arcade generation dies off, fighters more then likely will too.

**I stopped at halfway, you can tell this guy is a LOL of duty fan and gets owned when he plays fighting games.

Everything he said is hypocritical to what happens in any online game, he’s just saying “all that bad stuff about multiplayer, online, skill and experience only happens in fighting games.”

What a moron, and you know he’s evil to just look at that evil smile.**

There are some dumb ass people in here. But I guess the guy is successfully doing exactly what he intended.

it makes me uneasy that everyone thinks people like this are just fishing for a reaction and arent just legitimately scummy/stupid people but okay!!!

Maybe he IS a failed fighting game player, maybe not. Either way, it’s obvious he’s making money, and it’s obvious that there are some defensive ass people in here. As much as fighting game players bash on FPS or Smash players, no one in ANY of these communities can legitimately say shit about the others, without demeriting their own. So, whatever that guy plays, has just as much BS as he claims fighters to.

We’re not spreading this crap around.

Stop giving this bullshit more views.