Why did you main _______?

Gen because I like martial arts stereotypes. I watched a lot of Kung Fu/Samurai B-movies with those horrible dubbings as a kid. Every time I win and Gen goes “You are a big fool!” I imagine his mouth moving three times as much as necessary to say that and smile.

Makoto because I liked her in Third Strike, and she screams as she hits people. I’ve also started fooling with Vega because of his weird shouts.

And I often play around with Honda because in Street Fighter 2, my dad would annihilate me with Guile (“Hey, he was in the Air Force? ME TOO! I think I’ll play this guy!”) and the only way I could beat him was to trap him in the corner and endlessly Hundred Hand Slap. What’s sad is that I now understand that he was being nice by not just beating me down through something like that.

I main sim because i like playing defensively and i like annoying ppl with his zoning game

Cammy. I like her back story. I like her speed. I like her rush down game.

I main sim because he’s not a common character. His playstyle fits me perfectly, and i like the fact that the more time you put into dhalsim the more your gonna get rewarded. I also just love his character, he’s more humble then most the cast and i love his alt colors.

I also play gen because he’s my 2nd favorite character in the game. I dont care how low of a tier he is, im always gonna play that old man.

I play dudley because he’s pretty badass lol. theres nothin else to really say. He’s just an awesome character

I play juri because while i wanted to kick ass with a female character i didn’t like chun or sakura. I dont like chun because she feels top tier-ish to me, and i dont need top tiers to win. I dont play sakura because i just don’t like her. So i tried juri out and fell inlove with her combos.

At SFIV i used to main Ken because he have been my main in all the SF games since SFIIWW, but later i started to main Fei Long, i always liked this character, At SSFIV i start playing Ken and Fei Long but i wanted to try some new characters… My fisrt option was Makoto, love her since 3s but i drop her at later at IV, I try Guy cause was my FF fav character but i didn’t feel comfortable playing him, finally i’m maining Cody cause he’s a lazy and sarcastic bastard like me, his moves fit my game style and his damage is GOOD, but i still play Guy, Fei Long and Ken as second characters.

I play C. Viper because I find all of the SF2 and Alpha characters very boring. I just don’t like the way the old school characters play anymore. I stopped playing Street Fighter around Alpha 2-3 because I was burned out seeing the same characters over and over, everywhere I went.

While seeing Ryu and the gang still make me go :zzz:, playing a character like C. Viper feels like a breath of fresh air in the series. The execution requirements and high risk gameplay give me the extra elements of excitement that Guilty Gear:lovin: gave me.

I main Abel. It took me about a year to pick a main in SF4, but at least I’ve finally found one.

(no homo)

I use to use Cammy and Sagat, but after a while I was really getting a better feel for the characters. So one day, playing with some friends I random selected Bison and the rest is history. I was able to hit a lot his stuff real easily, so now I roll with him.

In Super, I tried to use Dee Jay, then ran into the same problem I had in vanilla with Cammy and Sagat, started playing random matches and landed on Cody and it just stuck.

Seems like Cody and Bison feel natural when I use them, I’m still learning but I actually feel like I’m getting better with them.

So now I roll with Team Bad Guy with Makoto as a third.

I’ve gone through every character in the game just about. Definitely tried my hardest to main the two ninjas (Guy, Ibuki) but it just didn’t work. I had a good run with Seth as well as Cody. Finally I stumbled upon Dee Jay. Everything just feels right. Whenever I get down from losing, I see Dee Jay smiling back at me saying “Hey it’s alright”. When I beat my friends in real life I always tell them it’s because of my funky fresh beat, and that they can’t feel the rhythm.


Just feels right. (no homo)

Ok this is embarrassing to talk about, especially on SRK, but when I first played SFII, all I did was zone with Ryu. Every other character except Ken sucked to me because I had no clue how to use charge characters or any special move besides QCF + Punch.

When I started SFIV, obviously he was my first character I felt comfortable with. Then a friend showed me that Sagat was like a high powered Ryu and it helped me bridge the gap between myself and friends who had been playing before me. This got really boring though so after trying many characters, my main is Akuma.

I love this guy because he forces me to play smart. One mistake can often cost me the match against a good player. I love how he has so many options on offense and defense. Teleports and air fireballs sure sweeten the deal because there’s nobody like him. Plus he’s cool as fuck.

On days I play like shit, I love Balrog because he has the life and he’s simple to play. RUSH RUSH RUSH! HEADBUTT INTO ULTRA! GIVE ME MY MONEY!

I started as Guile in SF4,but after playing so many games with him and realizing how difficult it was even sometimes vs not so good players,I mained Blanka in SF4 and kept Guile as my secondary.In SSF4 it is still the same way.Blanka as main and Guile as secondary,altough Guile is much better now.The reason why I play these characters is that I prefer charge characters and these are the only one I have fun with.I don’t really like Balrog’s,Bison’s,Honda’s,etc playstyle.

Rose all the way!
She’s damn sexy, I love her (fighting)style, I love it how fireball characters get frustrated against her, love her slide. She’s just… perfect for me. And I rarely lose with her. :3 Maining her since Alpha.

Cody is my secondary, I like the character design overall and he’s fun to play.
Cammy is fun too, I played her in Vanilla very often, but I wasn’t playing her a lot in Super so im pretty rusty with her.

I main guy, has been main since alpha, love his mix ups and always love applying a good pressure game. Also real ninjas wear sneakers, nuff said.

i started as abel in vanilla about a month after it came out (had a brief spate with gief had severe probs on some of his matchups due to just learning the game) basically i originally wanted to main an arcade character, a console excl. character, and one of the new characters, so abel fit two of these quotas right away, and he was so different to what i was used to coming from playing almost exclusively as the shotos. SF4 was the first SF game ive played since the beginning so i really felt committed to relearning everything from scratch, and abel has helped me do that quite nicely.

Dhalsim is my other main, back in the days of SF2 my two main characters were blanka and dhalsim, i just loved the easy wins by abusing sims reach and blankas ball and electric, so decided to take one of those and become legitimatly good with him. the appeal in blanka wasnt there for me anymore after settling with the game, and on one occasion playing ranked i was destroyed by a decent sim (IAT crossups) etc, i literally had no idea what was going on and decided i wanted to be able to play like that too.

ive been trying to main ibuki also but having difficulties with the execution barrier (plus i barely practice with her atm) just because i like her character design etc.
i also wanted to learn either guy or cody too but havent had the time and want to pick up with ibuki before i learn someone else.

Deejay cause nigga has style.

Dudley cause I like pressing buttons.

Bison cause psycho crusher is godlike now.

Heres my journey to where I am now

Guile- My first character.Thought that sonic boom to make my opponent jump to flash kick made me a badass. Soon got bored with him.

Zangief- I will always have a special place for the Gief. He was my first serious character and also my first grappler. In vanilla he was really good too so I was winning matches. I dropped Gief after a while but still dabble.

E.Honda- I liked E honda because I hadnt REALLY used a charge chaarcter before and he was also kind of a grappler. I pretty much picked him up because he cranks dat soulja boy in bis win pose though. Dropped him too.

Ken- Still using Ken. I like rushdown characters a lot and the whole shoto thing actually helped my execution with everyone. I pretty much like how ken is rushdown ryu.

Chun Li- My first attempt with a footsie character. I found out it really isnt for me because I just rush down with chun. So I dont use her much anymore, but still like to play here. I loved ex legs to hosenka, and now with kikosho it actually works lol.

Akuma- I just like the shun goku satsu. Its really cool. I like whiff demon flip to super shun goku satsu right next to them.

Dan- He is my main. Yes it was a long haul but hell it was fun. I got a bit bored with the game and wanted a fun character. I started playing Dan more and more and even when I lost enjoyed every moment of it. Tauntings just hella fun haha. Saikyo Ryuu Ougi! Somehow he managed to take my spot as my best character and my main. Ive got the most bp with this character and also used him the second most in vanilla (followed by gief)

Guy- My obligatory new Super exclusive character, I was so hyped when i heard he was in this game. While I dont think he transfered over very well from alpha and hes got alot of flaws, hes still usable and rush down. Plus american ninja is just too bad ass. This is Bushinryu.

so Id say I main Dan and sub Guy Ken and Chun Li.

Dj is the second best character in the game to play when you just want to enjoy the game, imo.

the first is Dan :slight_smile:

DUDE. So did I, and so do I! I really respect Gen players. And also, remembering all those old flicks has brought back the nostalgia necesarry for me to want to pick up a character like that :slight_smile:

Sagat he is a skill character again and I still have the guts to play him

i was maining sagat in vanilla coz i am a tier whore :smiley:
now i switched to rufus and i like the rushdown i can put on many opponents, i like him also because he’s fat

Cody and Boxer because well…I like their theme songs…