Thank you. THANK YOU! I have gotten almost absolutely SICK of seeing everyone here try to browbeat people into using that lollipop-top japanese mess and tell them they’re scrubs if they don’t jump the japanese bone… glad to see someone else here refuses that kool-aid.
And another huge thanks for standing up for the stock SFAC stick. I have one of these now, and it feels nice, in my opinion. I’ve given thought to modding it with Happ parts now, but if it does, I’m going for a Super stick (what the chinese clone is of), and the conCAVE buttons, for the American arcade feel.
“Oh, but you won’t be able to mash!” they’ll all try to say. Bullshit. I have my ways to mash with those.
However, I think I -will- have space for two competition buttons… as the L and R. I hate how they feel, and they feel different enough I’d be able to keep my hand over the main 6, plus they’re a bitch to hit at the same time, so it’ll take work to come out of any emulator I’m using…
To the OP:
As I said in another thread here, it’s all about YOUR opinion. What you feel you play best on is up to you, and you should use whatever lets you execute to the best of your abilities.
well, there are plently of american who own or play solely on japanese cabs. so… moot.
At the beginning of the year, I had both a modded T5 and a DC/PS2 Mas, both good sticks, but Japanese stick had the better precision and certain things were easier to do. it just takes time to get used to them.
Typically, Street Fighter US cabs use competition sticks. The super sticks are anything but. Many US arcade cabs use convex buttons now too (The CVS2 cab on UCF campus, for example).
I’m not trying to tell you what you should like and not like, but the “American arcade feel” isn’t as narrowly defined as you are making it out to be.