Why are there so many bad players on GGPO?

I think some people are just more anxious than others. Some people have absolutely no difficulty getting along with people they met a few minutes ago while for others it just isn’t that simple. I’m not that bad but I do get that bad feeling of ‘wasting’ other people’s time if I’m not at the same level. So I can sympathize with people who play on GGPO a lot but not at the arcade (yet). They want to make sure that they’re at least good enough that they provide more of a challenge than a speed bump. These games are both competition and social interaction for me. I like discussing things and learning things but I also like trying my best to win.

I would personally dive in if I had the money and was within distance to make relatively short half day trips. Now I’m not even remotely close unless anyone knows of a 3S cab around Boston. It’s a shame the internet/consoles have allowed us to play games we would not normally be able to play and which we have no easy access to. It’s like setting yourself up for disappointment.

Well, contrary to some opinion’s on here, I don’t come on GGPO to be an asshole. I just like good comp. I don’t like people who mash shit out. If you play on GGPO 9 times out of 10 the other guy will pick shoto and play very patterned: If they go with Ryu, they will start the match with a Tatsu or a Mule Kick. Do crMK, and if it doesn’t combo they’ll do Sweep or a random special (mostly Tatsu). Ken’s will just mash anything, and do random LP SRK’s to keep you out. Akuma’s are even worse; random tatsu’s and constantly air hadoukens. That’s just for example.

Why do people do this? No idea. It’s not like 3S is so mainstream that you have to expect people who’ve never played a fighter before that are jumping onto this. I guess it goes back to general human ignorance.

On playing 3S in person: many people don’t live near an arcade. Why look for authentic 3S cabs when you could probably just get a MAME cab and load it up? It’ll save you some cash and the MAME version plays exactly the same. I assume for tournaments that the organizer’s just run it off of Anniversary Edition. At least in the U.S. and Europe.

Off topic but:

Why aren’t cheap laptops that can run MAME flawlessly just used for tournaments?Getting PS2’s and 3s seems like a hassle nowadays.Also with the creation of the TE(which almost every fighting game player has nowadays) you just plug it in the laptop,get the drivers and play.

The players who play nowadays are all gonna be playing on japanese sticks anyway.I dont think there is anyone left who prefers playing 3s on a HAPP stick or pad so a few TE’s and some cheap laptops and you’re good to go?

I’ve seen a few tourneys use MAME on laptops.

Emulators on PC are less consistent. That’s really the only drawback. Since the computer isn’t locked into running just the emulator and can have all other sorts of services running in the background. Compare this to say a PS2 which is a lot more consistent with how it will run a game.

They’re still EMULATORS so I don’t think they’re equivalent to playing on a legitimate 3S board. Other than that though I don’t think there’s a good reason not to use cps3emu. If you can’t do it another way I definitely think it’s better than not playing at all.

WOW…so beginner players gets nervous, even in Japan, because some players like to insult and shame them? I thought the Japanese were above that kind of BS haha. I personally find NO point in making players feel anxious. I know what it’s like to be treated like crap for not being relatively good or not improving enough. I have NEVER made a new or less-skilled player feel ashamed. Whereas I still feel guilty for not beating a friend well enough on some days, I also feel bad for players that consistently have trouble beating me, because I don’t want them to give up, and I want the community to grow. Some ppl can get really good in less than a year, such as my friend Jamba64 :slight_smile:

I tend to avoid those who get pissed at me on this website, because they think I’m wasting their time, and/or because I beat them once or twice and they’re probably worried I’m going to brag about it, which I NEVER do lol. The whole point of the forums is to talk to multiple ppl, and ANYBODY can reply, but some angry posters think someone is specificially trying to address them. Whereas someone might be seeking “attention” in the form of fun/enlightening conversation, the attention is only sought from ppl who are curious enough to continue the discussions.

I hate the term “scrub”, and I have never used it to refer to someone. We’re all grown-ups here. I’m pretty sure that cussing someone out for being less skilled is less likely to help them improve, rather than helping them learn what they did wrong. If someone doesn’t seem to be improving, and you’re tired of fighting them, just beat them asap and hope they’ll leave.

On the other hand, I don’t blame ppl for occasionally ranting about playing styles if they’re not picking on specific players.

The funny thing is, some ppl feel that they play better if they taunt someone DURING a match, because they’re getting pumped, but for someone like me, that might break my concentration. Thank GOODNESS for H2H cabs lol. I’m surprised that yelling and cheering by spectators during a tournament or $10000+ money match is actually encouraged, rather than discouraged LOL. I think that’s fun sometimes but better for casuals. It CAN be hard to distinguish friendly taunts from insults; esp. when a player doesn’t know the crowd very well.

While games can be really important to ppl, they ARE meant to be fun. Ok…end of lecture :blush: Yeah: I’m anxious too!

Well with me. I started out as a typical scrub, ya’ know? I used keyboard to play MVC and Garou: MOTW on Kaillera and I got raped and was told I was bad. Did that turn me off to the game? Not really. It just meant I needed to improve and I bought a controller and started learning shit. There’s two ways to train people in fighters: Baby them and maybe let them win just because. Or totally rape them and challenge them to do better and beat you. I think the later philosophy is better and it gets people pumped to do shit.

The Japs troll in fighters just as much as Americans, only they have the skill to back it up. Never play Brazillians or South Americans in general. They have massive egos and will troll irregardless of skill. Sorry but you guys know it’s true.

Of course games are meant to be fun, but in my eyes that doesn’t excuse playing like a retard. Think of it like any other sport. People just want to play the game, and they don’t tolerate morons taking the ball and running away or fucking around with it.

Honestly just how much of a difference is there between the MAME version and the cab? I guarantee there’s next to no difference and only the most anal-retentive sobs would notice anything. And People have bitched about Anniversary Edition not being 100% accurate, so if you don’t have the cash for an authentic cab I would see nothing wrong in an Emu.

as much as i wouldnt want to say it, this is true actually…i actually had the nerve to play ppl from Chile, Brazil, etc and because the game would be too laggy and i wouldnt want to play, they would immediately resort to talking shit saying 'oh youre scared" and things like that, i mean this cant be said about all the players but its still kinda childish to say something like that when you live 359927972937539284972972947924 miles away…if ppl from Japan, U.S, Canada, or Europe are able to travel to play in other countries while on vacation or something, i wonder why cant they if they are as dedicated as they say

You still are.

Shouldn’t you be saying some witty remark about your dick?

Typical Womble comeback:

Go see my dick.
Go play with my dick.
Go watch my dick.
Go stare at my dick.
Go and get faggoty with my dick.
I’m not gay but I seriously want you to play with my dick.

Emulator doesn’t feel anything like 3s on Arcade.

Typical Louiscipher comeback


Stomp Crossup for the win. No go drink some codswallop.

WHOA: that’s a good analogy lol. I hadn’t thought of that. That reminds me of turtlers too, though. Turtling seems more accepted in Japan these days, or more accepted, based on a specific character someone picks, such as Remy.