You listening to me? Go for the stomach… and stay away from his right leg.
Aren’t you a little old for video games?
If we have to fight for her, then both of us would be thrown out of the Kumite…
The worst memory I have of that FUCKING movie (Besides the fact that 4 poker nights at our apartment had this movie playing in a row), was the time Ian paused the movie right on Van Damme’s ass, and just left it there…so when I woke up all i saw was sunshine and sonic boom ass…not crackin, not crackin at all.
this is quite possibly the greatest thread i have ever read in my life.
"Inspector Chin, pleasse have lunch with us "
-“Oh no, i never eat here.”
Get up frankie!!!
Im sooo confused on this thread…
what the hell is goin on?!
Alright frankeeeeee!
That hurts me just looking at it