Which Troll Site is better, Encyclopedia Dramatica or 4chan?

Yeah you sure are mature person by going to tournaments where people take the game way to seriously.

multifeceted imo


lol if that’s what you think then why are you on srk? low tier troll.

op is a shitty troll

I mostly come here to get news on video games and shit like that. I never cared for the tournament scene at all.

SRK = number 1 gaming news site for people who don’t like the tournament scene


I don’t think every person on this site goes to tourneys. This is why I only post in General Discussion.

I like “the onion” over both of these sites, but i think ED is better. I don’t go to 4 chan often.

You made me weep Sacred, not.

These replies are golden.

I find it funny that it was MVC2FAN15 that posted the link to the 4chan troll page in the Chris Hu thread. Hmmm, makes you wonder who made the thread in 4chan.:rolleyes:

Now his feelings are hurt because SRK poops on his beloved 4chaaaaanzzz:rofl:


I didn’t even make that thread on 4chan. Your the douchebag for actually believing I started that thread on 4chan. Its actually reverse as I’m not the one re-editing post and getting all butthurt over a comment about tournaments.

still dont know wtf a weeboo is…

SRK is the new Kotaku. But less baseless, stupid articles. Also, less video game news.

How old are you, MvC2Fan?

Cool story. Hey, show me how to come up with some cool memes, bro.:coffee:


I like how you guys think you’re getting to me when you are actually not.

QUALITY threads started by QUALITY posters.

Am I Doin It Rite… bro?