Screw the suit, I’m wearing Chinese clothes and they’ll have to live with it. :o
They will live with my jeans or sweatpants and some shirt lol
no dressing up for me >_<
Uh, it doesn’t. I don’t know what bus you guys just got off, but wearing suits appears to be some offhand comment someone in this thread made as a joke, which in fine SRK form people decided was not only real, but something they needed to get upset about.
No one will be wearing a suit*, and you guys are total suckers.
*Except me, and that’s strictly for pimping purposes.
RedRock station :tdown:, that’s far from the strip. I bet Evo will never EEVVER be held on the strip.
When I said, “We all gotta wear suits,” that was a suggestion, not a joke. Every man has to buy a suit sometime. Evo is at the fcuking Red Rock! We should all wear neckties on Saturday/Sunday. FCUK IT.
Act as if.
Look good, play good.
In August, in fucking Vegas, in 100+ weather?
Yeah sure thing buddy, you can pay for the funerals afterwards.
Saturday and sunday? only if you own two, otherwise there’s not going to be much pimping on day 2 of the same suit. For those who don’t want to participate in saturday and sunday, what should the primary suit day be? I say sunday cause it’s the finals aka showtime aka you won’t be running around for your tournament matches all day.
Finals is an option but if everyone wears a suit on the day of pools we can all fight…
Yeah. Vegas is hot. But so are we. This is one of the few times that fellas with a not readily understood hobby can come and go without keeping that hobby out of plain sight. How many threads are there where someone says “uh, it’s probably not a good idea to tell a girl you just met that you’re into fighting games hardcore.”? Saturday night you’re at the steakhouse. You’re wearing your fly ass suit. Slam your HORI REAL ARCADE PRO on the table! WAITER GIMME A STEAK! Girls on the right. OOH what’s that? It’s my stick. WANNA TOUCH IT?
Round 2 at the Swimming Pool. Girl on one arm. HRAP slung under the other. Order her a martini. Get yourself a Meyers and Coke. Slam your HORI on the beach chair. Set your drink on it. Look how it rests comfortably on STRONG and FIERCE.
Round 3: RC Condom XX Guard Broken Thong XX Finest KO
Sunday: Win it all, you’re a superstar.
Shaken not stirred
I’m down to wear my Armani or Versace suit. We gotta make this shit known though. Damn, now I gotta get some gators. Thanx.
-See Ya!!!
Any chance of the schedule of events being up soon? Or a link if I just didn’t see it? This is going to ride right on the edge of college starting up, so I’m gonna be planning based on hours (probably a bad idea knowing airlines, but it’s all I’ve got.)
I actually like this idea, and if you want to get it rolling with a sticky, let me know. That said, for anybody confused, suits are not required in any way, shape, or form. Feel free to continue rocking Dragonball t-shirts and bedhead.
I say make every1 wear a suit on sunday who is in top 8.
someone show me were to buy a good(cheap) blazer
I would also like an answer here
LMAO dbz t shirts. Also what grown man doesn’t own a suit?
I give up.
If that’s the case let’s all rock suits then XD.
lol @ dbz rockin srkers
evos gonna tight thiz yr.
if you wear a suit you should get free entry, jk