That’s true and it’s probably another reason why Americans have a bad rep.LOL
I’ve only seen one screenshot of me being beaten perfected, It was waay back when I had no idea what I was doing, I was getting beaten horribly by another, And one of the rounds he gets a perfect, quits, and Posts the image… So what? you beat someone who doesn’t know what he was doing… Great job.
I remember I also avoided that player for the longest time, and one day I decided to give him another chance (I had gotten better then) He didn’t beat me a single game. what does he do? He pulls the image from way back and posts it in the chat again…
heh. It’s funny how people think doing things like that is somehow redeeming… in that case it had the opposite affect. cuz he didn’t shit talk the entire time we were playing.
Comment in bold.
Whew at least I’m not in there.
Talk about shitty Utility Bitch:
Damn bastard is trolling hardcore on that alt account.
Sweet i got a thread, sorry in only got 3 pics in flickr , but if you wanna be in it just type your ggpo nick here or pm , and i upload thnx,
Can u post pics of -AngryBird-? thx
o u mean EVD = EvilDindon , let me look in my database
Wow I had a similar experience, back in like 05 I used to lurk kaillera A3/MVC, I was still relatively new to these games, but this one asshole screenshot all my losses and always saved them on his photobucket. It’s like wow, I’m sure you’d convince the many old-school gods that you are the best, and screenshots of random scrubs is pure evidence. Then when 3S was put on Kaillera Mame117, there was this one 3S yun player who had macros setting for the Keeper Jin, he’d do a crossup divekick, 123 then hold the autofire keeperjin, he also claimed he was “God.”
you should have asked him for three wishes