whats the best


This thing? It is not the same d-pad. Overall its a Good D-pad, very similar in style and design but if you have the two side by side, you notice the differences.

Most if what you find here are work logs and still photos, producing half-way decent videos is a bit more challenging.
That said, find anything thats similar, study and take notes. You notice alot of controllers are build on the same basic designs.

You have controllers without any encoders like old Atari 2600 joysticks, Sega Master system pads and the Neo Geo AES/ CD controllers.

And then you have Controllers with an Encoder, and that is pretty much everything else. You got simple encoders like the NES has which is just a parallel to Serial Shift register to straight up USB devices.
All the pads worth wild to hack are what we call common ground, meaning they share all the same ground/return voltage lines.

Good place to start reading is Slagcoin.com, it holds alot of basics to pad hacking, and you can work your way from there.
95% of everything is basic electrical, and you only have to get into circuit design for a few odd-ball/ troublesome boards.
Examples would be such as Trigger inversions, having to add diodes to signal lines, ect.

a guy on fightcade told me basically what he did was get 2 saturn pads, a origional v2 and a cheap usb knock off for 10 bucks and just opened and switched the pcbs and that was it

Works for your PS3, not always for you PS4.

im concerned about pc not ps4 i only got a ps4 to play tekken 7 with my friends and i only use a sony pad for tekken but dont like as much for sf

And here I was thinking you were asking about what was best in life in general.

[quote="dspnumber1fan, post:22, topic:183300"]

a guy on fightcade told me basically what he did was get 2 saturn pads, a origional v2 and a cheap usb knock off for 10 bucks and just opened and switched the pcbs and that was it

Still might have issues with the PCB in the long run. Not sure about the quality of the bootleg PCBs.